Sorry this is so long, but if it interests you, it won`t be at all hard to read...
What if I were god of the universe and just didn`t know it? Almost as if this magnificent and grand universe, as big as it is, was all thought up in my subconscious and I never even realized it. Here I am, a mere mortal human, pondering the iner workings of this huge collection of matter, looking for answers, when they`re all in the back of my head, evading discovery.
This might sound crazy, but you know how that famous math test question goes (usualy on an eighth grade level test).....A bird migrates south for the winter. Everyday he finds himself a little more tired and can only fly half the distance he flew the day before. On the first day he flys 128 miles (half the distance for the entire trip). The second he flys 64. On the third he flys only 32. On the fourth only 16, and so on. When will he ever reach his destination? The answer is never. He will fly a half of a half of a half forever, only getting infinitely close but never actualy getting there.
So say there is a room. As you walk into this room, you notice you get a little smaller and likewise take an equal amount more effort to walk the same distance. In fact, half way into the room, you notice that the room appears twice as big, because you are now twice as small. And to walk another half of this distance already covered (a half of a half) would take the same amount of time. You could in effect, walk into the same room forever, and never make it to the next wall.
Kinda like, if the entire universe were inside me, and everything is really percieved to be "in-side-out", and no matter how deep into the universe I think I travel, I`ll never make it to the other side. The universe, however, apears to continuely expand. And everything looks smaller the farther out you look. That`s why entire galaxies, appear smaller and fainter than their closer companions in the sky, Milky Way stars.
I was led to start thinking this way when I learned some principles of relativty. Why is it that the entire universe can distort in length to a few centimeters if I were to travel fast enough?
And time slows down for me, and me only, when I travel faster. But the rest of everybody else doesn`t notice a thing (and it`s all relative, i.e. I don`t notice a thing either. Time flows normal for all of us and I only notice this discrepency when the Earth and I are brought back together again. I`m 16, while the rest of the world died a hundred years ago...) And what about aspects of quantum physics? Some particles only exist when I or you look at them. Doesn`t this support my point? And how about how if I look far enough out into the universe, I`ll see the back of my own head. As if I were looking inside of a flipped in-side-out body and seeing the other side.
You might say, well what about me? I`m alive too so the universe can`t all be inside your head. Well I think that we are all connected in some way to a common whole. So the universe is inside you too, just like the internet is inside your computer right now, but there are millions of INDIVIDUAL computers. The internet (universe) has existed independantly of your computer (you) for many years, but were it not for any computers existing at all, the internet would cease to exist. In other words, the universe only exists because lifeforms (consciousness) exists. And is the common connection for each lifeform. It can be altered by a single individual (free will). We are all the same person in some respect, but are still individuals. All lifeforms on the grand scheme invented the universe and as a whole we know it, but individualy we are unaware. We are GOD, who is the universe, who is us. We made creation, and we can destroy it. Killing a fellow man, is to kill a small peice of god, and in the back of our head, we know this is wrong. We sort of get hints of this when we activate that "sixth sence" and can sence danger, or when your mother was hurt. Because in effect you are a peice of the universe, and so is your mother, you sence when she is hurt, and feel an uneasy, unexplained, feeling of greif and nervousness. Some people have the desire to explore this and look for answers, like Sigmund Freud and Einstein. The atoms that make us, were created in a star billions of years ago, and released in a violent explosion, only to condese under gravity and become Earth, which became us. Now do you see what I mean by we are the universe?
Just a touch of some philosophy I dreamed up, once again, sorry it was so long but I hope you found it interesting.
Oh yeah, the laws of physics (although dreamed up in our heades on a molding caste of logic and common sence) are the same for all of us, because should anybody percieve them as different, some kinda logical paradox would surface and the universe itself would be impossible. Did that make since to you?
Anyways thanx for taking the time to read my thoughts. |