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These Rods Are No Hoax

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Posted by Scotty on May 1, 2002 03:45:19 UTC

Under normal circumstances I would have to agree with Tony because the whole concept seems a bit too far out there. Tony also hit on another point. That which the is only after the bucks and not the research. And why hasn't anyone been assigned to investigate these creatures? Or have they? There has been widespread reports of secret government spraying at night,all over the U.S. What are they spraying for? According to the Art Bell show, no one knows.
I started this post with the words, "Under normal circumstances" because I haven't seen, "normal"m for a good 7 months now. Tony, the rods are real,trust me.Or better yet, c'mon over and I'll show you all you want!They are a critter, but I wouldn't call them a "rod". You wouldn't either if you saw what they unfolded out to be. I've counted 7 different varieties so far, each ine unique but with all with very common features. Tony asked why, if someone had caught one in a jar,couldn't they research that one. Well, simply put, they disolve. Strange as it may seem, these things are born in water and I believe that they are a good 98 percent water constantly. I made the mistake of trying to drown them when I first discovered they had taken over parts of my wardrobe and bedding. Water turns them on!lol
As stated on the website Roswellrods,com, these things fly anywhere from 110-220 miles an hour. I'm more apt to believe the latter because even though I know where they're coming out of, I can stare at the spot and still just catch a flashing glimpse.After destroying my last pillow in an attempt to just catch a glimpse at what it was I was fighting,I gave up trying to kill just to view.After all,when you put a pillow that's bouncing all over the place,and you try to drown whatever it is inside by submerging the pillow in scalding hot water and putting 3 cast iron skillits on top, and leave it for 9 hours! You don't expect there to be a whole lot of life in that pillow afterwards. You REALLY don't expect to pull it out and have it creaping back in!I was convinced that I needed more of an Exocist than an exterminator,(which by the way doesn't work either).But after the 3rd time of pulling it back onto the plank that I had streached across the tub for the pillow to drain,(I also put those 3 skillits back on top--didn't slow it down a bit),"Mama",(as I now affectionately call her),finally figured out that I wasn't gonna give up this fight so she started spitting babies into the water. I just decided that was the only way I was ever going to see what they looked like. So I put a bunch of that green water,(they spit this green stuff into the water that is toxic to humans for sure!-(Another story on that subject)),and the babies into an old cat litter box I had. Put the plank and pillow on top, and they've been having babies ever since. There is so much more to tell, but not for a Hunt-N-Pecker. I welcome serious researchers,honest questions,etc. I'll even sell you a pair! Only problem is that i'm moving as of the 20th of May. Hopefully,alone! Your welcome to e-mail me @
Be sure to add the word Rods in the subject line or I won't open it. (Cautious of virus's) Scotty

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