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Posted by Morgan Storey on April 17, 2002 13:38:31 UTC

It is more plausible that it is remenants of an older civilisation, it is a stretch to say that the atlantian theory, but excuse the pun the atlantian theory holds more water, than visitors from outer space that would more likely out number, outwit, have greater technology, and have more than likely a larger destructive part of the brain.
If they are an older civilisation they would evolutionarily be simlar to humans, similar level of mental abilities and mental flaws.
For example there is evidence that the destructive part of the human brain is growing so much so that the destructive urges may take the better of a majority of us with in the next millenia, if this were a contant throughout evolution would it not be plausible that aliens would also be as destructive.
If they are an older civilisation that has been scattered due to some reason (possibly even us) could they not be coming out of hiding for mating as some creatures do, they lead a solitary life as there are so few of them, then they seek out there own kind to mate.
All interesting theories I have heard outlined, but none are conclusive enough, none (even the one I hold that it is the government) are conclusive enough, so we agree to disagree.

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