"I say at this point in time the ufo issue is beyond our limited mental capacities." Nice fobb that, just like some christians who say we can't understand gods plan.
It is all logical, and can be worked out as such. So using logic I'll refute your arguments in turn.
1)We know something is going on. The number of reports by honest people makes that point abundently clear.
Well even honest people can be bought or tricked or hypnotised to believe anything. Logic would say that the more likely thing is that the people are playing a practical joke or being payed off for some reason, such as passing blame for things.
2)We have all kinds of visual evidence. Besides eye witness reports from reliable sources, we have pictures, vidios, and films that many experts state as untampered.
But why are all the photos so badly taken and the footage so difficult to make out.
3)We have reports from honest people concerning abductions, close encounters, physical injuries etc.
It is like certain religions, were the mind and the fervour is so great that the mind causes physical manifestations on the body.
Again why is the USA the epicentre of all these sightings and incedents. If you look at alien related incidences the USA has the highest proportion per head of population, if it were completely random as a scientific survey would be then you would see more occurences of incidences in japan(largest population density), what makes america so special to these aliens.
If they were exploitive and wanted uranium it would be australia they'd want being we have the largest natural uranium deposits, or the middle east for fossil fuels, or africa for gold and diamonds, why america?
4)We have seen the crafts do things that defy physics. 90 degree turns at 1000 mph, disapearing acts, splitting in two's and threes.
Do you have some nice clear footage for me and the rest of the world? And which is more likely a government that develpoed the neutron bomb in secret developing some nice gravity defying craft. Or aliens from outerspace that are peaceful, unexploitive and here only for the study of man and his/her improvement.
Iam sorry they would either exploit us entirely, not bother with us, or let themselves be known to us all at once.
I do belive logically that there is other life elsewhere, but I don't belive it has visited us puposefully, I like the theory that maybe one crashed here on its way somewere else, I can swallow that but, the fact that people are being abducted seems very illogical and far fetched.
If I was an alien race the only reason I would abduct is to take over the planet, abducting to learn the weaknesses of my oponent, but soon after the first abductions the attack would commence. The war would be over by now and I can tell you we would be the losers. |