Hyperdimensional Physics & WHY We Are Warming..and WORSE!
Admittedly, for ease of reference I am quoting large portions of this following post on "Entererprise Mission".
Reference on this Post:
I have made reference to my belief of our having gained a grasp of the "Holy grail" of Physics, otherwise known as the "Unified Fild Theory", uniting magnetism and gravity. This is part of the reason why:
Whittaker, a leading world-class physicist, has worked at uniting "gravity" with the more obvious electrical and magnetic components known as "light."
Whittaker accomplished this by demonstrating mathematically that "the field of force due to a gravitating body can be analyzed, by a spectrum analysis' as it were, into an infinite number of constituent fields; and although the whole field of force does not vary with time, yet each of the constituent fields is an undulatory character, consisting of a simple-disturbance propagated with uniform velocity ... [and] the waves will be longitudinal (top) ... These results assimilate the propagation of gravity to that of light ... [and] would require that gravity be propagated with a finite velocity, which however need not be the same as that of light [emphasis added], and may be enormously greater ..." (Op. Cit., "On the partial differential equations of mathematical physics")
This, to most is "Theoretical" physics".. and most dont see how this would apply to their daily lives. HOWEVER we *MAY*, in fact, currently be seeing the ACTIVE implications linking gravity and its resolution into radiated energy.
It is this radiated energy recognized as a "new" source of energy -- in a far more "controlled" context -- that seems also to be responsible now for not only the "anomalous infrared excesses" observed in the so-called "giant outer planets" of this solar system.
The radiated energy, seen in infrared, is the same source of energy that, must now be primarily responsible for the radiated energies of stars ... including the Sun itself. Astrophysical discovery of "glowing planets" -- planetary bodies which shine in the infrared via internal energy sources, not just by reflected light -- stems from completely unexpected ground-based telescopic observations of this solar system, beginning in the mid-1960's: the startling detection of "anomalous internal infrared radiation" coming from the planet Jupiter. Later Pioneer and Voyager insitu spacecraft observations across the 70s and 80s added the other "giant planets," Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, to the list of solar system worlds that -- somehow,without internal nuclear fusion processes, like stars -- still manage to radiate more energy out into space than they receive directly from the Sun.
The giant, "anomalously radiating" planets of this solar system (and some major moons) have been studied in an attempt to understand their anomalous IR radiation, one thing has become clear -- to a first order, the "infrared excesses" of the giant planets all seem to correlate very nicely with one parameter each has in common -- regardless of their individual masses, elemental compositions, or distance from the Sun:
....Their total system "angular momentum."
The mass of a body and the rate at which it spins, in classical physics, determines an object's "angular momentum." In the Hyperdimensional Model, its a bit more complicated -- because objects apparently separated by distance in this (3-space) dimension are in fact connected in a "higher" (4-space) dimension; so, in the HD model, one also adds in the orbital momentum of an object's gravitationally-tethered satellites -- moons in the case of planets; planets, in the case of the Sun, or companion stars in the case of other stars.
Graph of Angular Momentum Vs Specific LUMINOSITY for Planet Bodies.
TRANSLATION: The more total system angular momentum a planet (or any celestial body) possesses (as defined -- object plus satellites), the greater its intrinsic "brightness," i.e. the more "anomalous energy" it apparently is capable of "generating."
Curious UnconformityThe Sun is not emitting anything like the number of neutrinos required by the "Standard Solar Model" for its observed energy emission; if its energy is due to "thermo-nuclear reactions" (as the Standard Model demands), then the observed "neutrino deficit" is upwards of 60%: even more remarkable, certain kinds of primary neutrinos (calculated as required to explain the bulk of the solar interior's fusion reactions, based on laboratory measurements) turn out to be simply missing altogether!
So -- what really fuels the Sun?
The Answer: Soo what really fuels our Sun then is the hyperdimensional angular moment energy of the rotational planets!
However, of the graph of Graph of Angular Momentum Vs LUMINOSITY we see that our SUN is *not* on the line, making a linear realationship of planets' and sun's angular momentum to luminosity. THIS means that we have not accounted for all the heavenly bodies affecting our sun! THERE MUST BE ANOTHER LARGE Planet out there! However, this relationship of radiated engergy is not constant for all the planets -- nor the sun itself- because of the changing gravitational relationships of the planets -- AND -- new heavenly bodies of particular size enterring into proximity of the sun and planets... into the gravitational pull.
ConclusionSoo, Sitchinites, Given the facts that... our sun has shown unbelievable solar activity in the past few years, given the fact that there is recognized global warming here on earth with enormous glaciers breaking away from the antartic ice shelf, that Mars demonstrates, according to NASA, Polar ice cap melting, that we have seen unprecendented volcanic activity here on earth the past 5 years, given the fact we are now looking at a winter with unprecedented warmth and past winters also have been uncommonly warm and summers unusually hot, given the fact that ocean currents are clearly changing as are global weather patterns-- anyone want to DISCUSS now the cause? *IF* our sun is in fact showing greater activity and causing us to experience climactic changes and if our own planet's "inners" are getting stirred up as well, showing increased vulcanism and earthquakes, there is likely a growing proximity of a .. very.. large.. body..and it's increasing.
We have often spoken of the possiblity that Nibiru is on its way here. It is very possible that even the effects we are seeing here and in our own Sun are ALREADY the result of Nibiru adding to the "gravitation" of the solar system .. as it is on the "return" part of its journey into the inner solar system.
Why We Are Warming..And WORSE! (Ctd)
The Sun is not emitting anything like the number of neutrinos required by the "Standard Solar Model" for its observed energy emission. IF its energy is due to "thermo-nuclear reactions", then the observed "neutrino deficit" is upwards of 60%.. or, given what is obseved by this means, only 40% of the sun's energy could be coming from thermonuclear reasions. However, even more remarkable is that certain kinds of primary neutrinos (calculated as required to explain the bulk of the solar interior's fusion reactions, based on laboratory measurements) turn out to be simply missing altogether! This may well reduce the sun's ACTUAL fusion energy to well beneath 40%. It is very likely that the energy generated by this .. angular moment of the rotating planets (satellites) themselves actually PROVIDS the initiation energy for those thermo-nuclear reactions that *DO* occur on the sun.
This all presupposes *ONE* thing for it to be reasonable evidence: That the SUN fall in the line along with all the other planets, of the linear relationship between angular momentum of an object and all its satellites to the object's luminosity -- yet the sun does not:
Large Luminosity Vs Momentum Graph
If you observe the yellow arrow on this graph you can see that the distance between the Sun and the line established by planetary bodies you can see that the GAP missing in the Sun's being "on line" is something les than 10^17. This would indicate a "reasonable" planet size (mass actually), considerably less than Saturn and Jupiter.. but perhaps moving at a high rate of speed to account for the Angular MOMENTUM . Also remember that such distant planets -- even if not particularly massive -- will have a disproportionately large effect on the total solar HD energy generation, because of the enormous "leverage" in the angular momentum equation with increasing distance. Thus, these still undiscovered worlds (or WORLD) must in fact account for most of the solar energy we see ... depending on the actual orbital period(s).
I am sure we *ALL* have a reluctance to reject what we have been taught as a fundamental truth. That the Sun's primary source of energy is planetary angular momentum is and not nuclear is a radical thesis. However, undeniably planets such as Jupiter do give off irregular radiation wich exceeds the energies aborbed by the sun. Also, Uranus and Nuptune, described by Sitchin as being the "Twins" via the Sumerian description, do both give off IR radiation in excess of their absorbed energies. Nuptune has a higher IR radiation and this is due to its own satellites -- its MOONS!.
Also of note is In the 1940's, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired a young electrical engineer -- John Nelson -- in an effort to improve the reliability of HF ("short-wave") radio communications around Earth. Such radio transmissions had been observed to be, for some reason, more reliable in the "lulls" in between, than during solar activity associated with "peak" sunspot years. To his surprise, Nelson soon specifically correlated this rising and falling radio interference with not only sunspot cycle, but with the motions of the major planets of the solar system; he found, to his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable -- in essence, astrological correlation ... between the inexorable orbits of all the planets (but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune -- with Saturn & Jupiter being the PRIMARY effectors to radiation as a result of their extreme additions to the known angular momentum.( Note Specifically Angular Relationships Of These Major Planets )
So what we are missing for the SUN's radiation to plot on the line of other planets radiation vs. angular momentum is only a planet of reasonable size and considerable angular momentum, whcih increases with distance of orbit. THIS is sounding more and more like Nibiru all the time: somewhat uncommonly high MASS per radius and also moving at decent rate of speed in an exceedingly larg orbit (hence high angular momentum) to encompass its prodigeous extended journey.
Certainly, "all we know - (or have believed we know) is not all that IS". Ultimately, While we all here consider *IF* Nibiru is IN FACT returning, and we have watched our own protective OZONE being depleted by our industrial emissions -- perhaps we in our ignorance and "industrial excellence" have removed the thin vail of our survival that the Ancients had in place protecting them from the Sun's increased radiation in Nibiru's previosu passings. (Didn't someone suggest those ships in theh NASA STS-75 film were dropping water into the atmosphere to make -- Ozone?) Hmmmm.. makes ya wonder.