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Ever Heard Of The FOIA?

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Posted by Tony Cardona on July 31, 2001 23:34:25 UTC

The Freedom of Information Act....yes that little act has brought on more then just circumstantial evidence for the existence of alien life. To begin with NASA has released documents on inter-office memos and reports based on footage from the space shuttle mission looking down on the Earth from orbit. In lots of these feeds from cameras mounted on the shuttle you can make out objects zipping in and out of the camera angle, making 90 degree turns, changing color and shape..what are these objects? There are even footage clips of these objects being shot at from the Earth!! What the hell is going on up there?? Why are there objects in orbit making 90 degree stops and turns in traveling trajectory in a blink of an eye and caught on tape?? Why doesnt this suprise anyone? becasuse the general public doesnt know about it. These documents , and i mean thousands and thousands of pages of freshly released info point to the existence of not UFOs but aliens. I mean come on when NASA releases documents that start out: "Re: Tracking of Alien Space Craft over Africa." Thats a serious statement to have written down on paper. And the words define the whole arguement here. NASA to public eyes tells us we are looking at UFOs they can be easily defined by meteors, stars, satelites, planets, weather balloons, etc. But when the government talks to each other, in these inter office reports the descriptions change: TRACKING - -if they are tracking something that means they hae known about this object for some time ALIEN SPACE CRAFT - umm..what happened to UFO? If NASA is going to identify these objects as alien crafts then doesnt that change your whole perception on these lies you refuse to believe in? Why has NASA kept these documents hidden for all these years? And if NASA is confirming alien spacecraft in earth orbit then why dont they admit it to us...the public?
Its coming..the truth and the light are coming..

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