Actually .. i value opinions, not flippant sci-fi speculative mumbo jumbo with no foundation in any evidence nor anything withnessed except perhaps the latest episodes of Star Trek Spinoff XIV or some sci-fi movie whose only intent is to entertain and employ the latest special effects, such as witnessed in "Mission To Mars"..
And i have a qik wit.. though take my work seriously.. as should you.. if it didnt so overwhelm you that you can only become arm chair critics.. similar to those two characters on the "Muppets". .those two old men who heckle fromt the audience... always watchers.. never do-ers.
Yes i can joke about this.. I have to.. it is overwhelming and the hard evidence is conclusive and startling. I have put more work into this prejoect weekly then I imagine you do on your 40 hour jobs, if not retired. My ability to make jokes on this is what allows me to keep my sanity and also my energy, despite the subject matter..and often more than difficult audience.
Perhaps I am playing to the wrong crowd..and you two just wish to have wild speculation and cant deal in realities. However, you too are preaching to the choir..
I went to a great effort posting enormous amounts of HARD evidence for your benefit, surely not mine. Has anyone any desire to comment on that, or even if you wish to speculate.. speculate on what that evidence might MEAN?
ANYONE Want to DEAL with that EVIDENCE at ALL, or just bury your heads?? |