Well Sapphire.. Mars i consider to be a growing "proof"...
And once I ran across Mars, I began pulling all my "strings" and contacting as many people as I knew in optimal positions..and without a whole lot of work I ran across glossy prints from the moon showing structures and lights.
There have been other evidences of THINGS on the moon as well.
From there I have looked at our past and have seen what I personally believe to be concrete evidence of these beings in our distant past. I can only believe that ongoing presences on Mars and the moon would indicate there is also significant presence here currently, where it might must be much less hostile.
Perhaps their interest in US.. is *US* and perhaps that interst in us has also been present in that same past and is of prominent record.
Perhaps we are "them", even if they are not us. I realize that is more than a lil cryptic, but i will endeavor to presnet only that which i can prove..
It certainly is fuel for thought. If you have more questions I suggest you consider the writings of Zecharia Sitchin -- they offer many plausible evidences and fuel even more questions.
books by Zacharia Sitchen are the
Genesis Revisited - Good read, an overview of
many of his books and analyzes the Bible on up to current day
The Lost Realms - examines ancient Civilizations
and constructs around the world including Mayans and Stone Henge
The 12th Planet - Examines existence of a "12th
Planet" in our solar system, supposedly on a 36,000
orbit around our sun, as described by the ancient Sumerians, where the Annunaki
originated, our genetic "creators" .<in Egypt it is Nibiru>
Earth Chronicles - A complete compendium of his
theory on our "true" origins.
The Wars of Gods and Men
The Stairway to Heaven