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Re: UFO Siting In West Palm Beach , FLORIDA

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Posted by Leigh Sheldon on June 6, 1999 16:52:22 UTC

: : : : I like many people witnessed a strange UFO sitings in WPB,FL. : : : : I was working at roadhouse grill and first my friend witnessed two big lights : : : : in the sky that looked like 2 big rockets , then the just disappeared.

: : : : Then later that night I witness with one of my coworkers 3 lights moving flying high : : : : in what seemed as they were flying in formation. Then 2 plane appeared from the north, the : : : : planes seemed to be radar planes , maybe military planes. As they split up : : : : one of the plane raced close to the 2nd or middled UFO. That UFO just stop : : : : as if it had break. I was thinking no plane could do that. The other two ufo : : : : moved closer to the middle ufo. : : : : The UFO were bright white (no plane blinkers, ect).

: : : : What kind of aliens were they? anyknow, they just seemed to be observing us : : : : from above.

: : : : Later that night my dad said one of the local news stations (WPTV), reported the : : : : public about the UFO siting. nothing though in the local papers.

: : : : Email me if you have seem this before.

: : : : : : : : Sincerely,

: : : : Eric

: : : It happened about 6:45 p.m. on Saturday evening. : : : My two friends and I spotted the two lights from : : : Century Village. Later that evening it was mentioned : : : on the news. I emailed the news station for more : : : info and nobody returned an answer. If you have : : : any more info please let me know. : : : SIncerely, : : : Karen : I Have Vidieo!!,From Babson Park Fl,First it started out with one bright way up high in the skythen it would dissapear real slow.then it would come on in a different area not to far away.Then there were more than one I seen two at a time ,then three.I have it on video,it starts out one bright light all alone,and you could tell it was real high, all of the sudden it breaks up into about five pieces straight down and spreads apart,like one of those chinese fans,but perfact together then it all went off at the same time.What ever it was I watched it for four days,it seemed it would come back around the same time,as soon as it became dark.What do you think I should do with the video.Its about two hours long,and has alot of strange lights that I never seen lights do anything like this before.The fourth night was the best,maybe because I was waiting for them with camera,but when the lights came back they didn't move, or at least I didn't see it move,I left my camera on and went in the house,when I came back the light was in the same place,till it went off ,a couple of more came on in different areas for about 20 more min.I went inside to see what I missed.It was moving, slow at first then it picked up speed back and fourth back and fourth It was going really fast zoom,zoom,zoom,zoom,back and fourth,Then it slowed after about 2-3 min. came to a stop and stayed there for 1-2 min. then dissappered for good and never came back,weird huh?.It always seemed to be in the same area,all the lights south southeast. WHAT DO YOU THINK??? What do you think I could do with the video! : Shind On in Babson Park. Gary

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