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Re;My Decloration Against The UFO Theory

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Posted by DJ Brooks on January 25, 1999 19:19:49 UTC

: I have to do this, even suspecting that no UFO believer will read it until the end, I have to say what I think. OK, let's go.

: I always try to use logic to analyze some controversial matter . This is how I think about UFO's:

: First it is necesary to admit that if there is intelligent life outside the Earth, it is also outside the solar system. I will not discuss this part now but if anyone wants an explanation, he can contact me. : Then, I assume that some aliens from somewhere detected life in our planet, and they are taking ahead the difficult task of cruising through a huge distance to reach us. I try to put myself in their minds, now. What would I do?

: Well, either I'd try to make contact, or I'd just research the planet and the life avoiding contact. : If I want to make contact, I would certainly try to seek some leaders and then, as I am (probably) far more intelligent, I would be able to communicate and start some "cultural interchange". : On the other hand, if I don't have a peaceful mind, I would try to cause direct harm in order to exterminate the human race, wich dominates the planet. : But if I just don't want to interfere with human's life, I would examine the planet without allowing them to see me, nor even suspect that I am there. I'd surely have the tecnology for that. : What I mean is: if my goal is to make contact, I will make "full contact", because that's why I came from so far away. But if it's not, then humans will never know I was there.

: Doesn't it sound reasonable? But every time I use this argument, an UFO believer objects saying "but you cannot know how an alien thinks, you don't know his logic". : OK, let's say an alien's logic behavior is like UFO believers describe:

: I spend lots of energy coming to Earth very often, in fact I come with thousands of ships every year since the 50's (when science fiction became popular). : And though my tecnology is so advanced (don't forget I come from very, very far away), my ships fly through the troposphera and humans can see them with naked eye : I never make a clear contact, I never try to communicate with the world leaders or even scientists. But I always let them see my ships, I even use lights for that (that's the only reason an UFO could need lights, to let people see it). When I land, I leave marks on the grass (depressions or burnt spots), as an old fashioned human machine would. : Plain people from all over the planet can easily photograph or film my ships, but astronomers, who are scanning the sky every minute, can't. : And my only action, if I have one, is to keep "abducting" people (mainly from United States) to examine them, over and over again, as if I never could end my experiments or studies.

: Now, let's say all of this is also a posibility, why not. After all, an alien's logic could be completly different from ours. But, don't you suspect something? What I see is, if aliens really behave like that, they are pleasing those people who want to believe in UFO's but have no real proof.

: If you believe in UFO's, be honest and try to answer that question. Have you ever thought of the purpose the aliens may have, acting like I described? Don't you think it's absurd?

: My explanation for the UFO phenomena is that it's a basic instinct of human kind to believe in supernatural entities. Until some hundreds of years ago, this entities where natural (but we didn't know) like sun, moon, thunder, quake, etc. They were more powerful than people and therefore they were deified. : But science "killed" all those goods, explaining everything by natural laws and placing the man over all nature. We are not afraid of nothing on Earth anymore, we are more intelligent and we can control everything. : So when, in this century, some people realized that in other worlds could exist more developed beings than us, everything started again. Now we have a new figure, accepted by science, to replace the dead supernatural gods: it is the alien. People can believe in them without being called "supersticious".

: I could say a lot more, but I'm not sure if anyone is interested so I'd rather go to sleep now. But I will answer a reply, if it challenges me.

I like the way that you approach your theory! I don't know about you but I am a Christian. The bible tells us that there are angels/demonds all around us. Also when Jesus was born, there was a light that lead the wise men. I'm not saying that these things that people are seeing are angels or demonds, I'm just setting in another theory. DJ Brooks

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