Hello and happy New Year everyone!
I'm new to reflector telescopes, having purchased a DS114 recently. The first thing I did was upgrade to 1.25" eyepieces and do a lot of reading about newtonians. Something critical seems to be the colliamtion and I read a FAQ that describes the final step as the star test.
The collimation FAQ is:
Step 7 in the faq is to do a Star Test.
I mean by the star test is the one
described at this link:
I built a home made colimator as per:
I then tweeked with the vanes until I was sure that I could see the whole primary in the secondary. No further adjustment seemed to be
needed with the secondary screws. Then I aligned the cross hairs with the center spot of the primary. and finnaly I aligned the primary to
reflect the secondary concentric with the crosshairs and the dot. I can't see anything inside the reflection of the secondary as it it too dark, but I think I can make out my own eye and centered that too. I did this with the focuser "travelling out" if I do it with the
focuser "travelling in" things get out of alignment. Just have to remember to focus on the way out always. Then I did the star test
(only for collimation) and the rings look pretty concentric as far as I can tell.
The problem is that nothing looks good through the telescope. Stars have heavy coma and planets look double. When I look in the focuser without the eyepiece everythig looks as aligned as can be. But things looked a lot better before all the collimation. What is wrong?
Someone please help.