Thanks. Consider: I've heard that the correct translation of ancient writings gives the word "compassionate" rather than "perfect".
Obviously God (=Existence) is perfect too, though. Nothing is nothing. However, some 'nothings' are illusions, they are zero-sums of compensating somethings! (Like the 'nothing' movement of the accelerating gyrocopter in the example I gave).
The 'vacuum' may be just such a false nothing. On very short time-scales, this becomes evident; with fluctuating appearances of 'somethings'.
Similarly, if you looked precisely and very closely at my hovering gyrocopter; you would find little fluctuations around it's roughly-zero change-rate relative to the ground. This gives the game away that the gyrocopter's 'non-movement' is actually a non-local phenomenon and really a false-nothing.
It looks like physicists have discovered the 'vacuum' is actually a false vacuum; an illusion caused by non-local nearly-compensating activity, that is exposed by closer investigation.
"God came from" implies a pre-history of God. But "time" is a dimension of distinguishing phenomena and of creating new phenomena.
God is outside time, is the boundary-maker of every distinction including time-distinctions.
So He didn't need to come from anywhere or from anywhen.
God IS Existence; so the question of Him coming into existence isn't askable. One doesn't ask "if a car, car?" A car is a car; no need to ask does the car car.
To me; God is in some ways like a very young child who invites me to play with the patterns of His creation.
(By the way, I'll be away for some weeks soon) |