You had responded/asked.
"Why do you think God would be born? Wouldn't it make more sense that God always existed throughout time? "
Well, yes GOD has existed throughout time. I say that GOD and TIME began at the same MOMENT. I also think that GOD and TIME are very closely related (Brothers so to speak. Complimentary Brothers to be exact).
Why do I think this.
We, in our existance, take a look/react at both GOD and TIME in incredibly similar manners. GOD and TIME are very powerful, yet invisible. We see the effects of both GOD and TIME right before our eyes. We guide, for most of us, our very lives by these two.
We use a Bible/Torah or other similar scriptures to help us interpret/understand what we believe GOD's word(s) to be. We guide ourselves by it
We have a watch/calender to do the identical with TIME. We guide ourselves by it.
We live and die by both.
We see the effects of GOD before our very eyes. If not through "So called miracles - like parting the red sea" (Although life and all what is around us is, the greatest continuing miracle of all.) The ongoing existance of change and wonder making us (most of us anyway) believe that there couldn't be any other explanation for what has/is
We see the effects of TIME before our very eyes.
Our births, our age, our growth, and unfortunately (though a part of life) our deaths. This applys to all physical/non-physical things/beings. We witness what time does to mountains and to unrested souls from a mental stance. Progression/Digression through maturity.
I'm sure you get my meaning. In some respects I take a look at some of these "entities" from a symantec level. But how else could I explain it?
GOD and TIME NEED each other to exist, I have come to believe. How?
In order for GOD, to do anything, GOD needs time to do it. Whether, from a miracle (red sea) point of view, aid in the birth of a sun, or create human life, GOD needs TIME. The word "instantly" no matter how short, from our perspective, or long it takes to do "these things" GOD needs TIME.
From a human attitude perspective (GOOD vs BAD)
(Again my observation)
1. GOD is, for the most part, viewed with a good attitude. GOD can bless you. GOD is love. GOD is perfect (caution on the use of "perfect", I will iterate on "perfect" in another discussion). GOD has the answer.
In my eyes, GOD is veiwed in a "positive" light.
(I will also iterate on the "positive" in another discussion) The ONLY bad thing, with almost equal but opposite effect - if you again believe, is "The Devil". Different entity/concept but defines explains a "balancing factor". I might go as far to use the term "Wrath of GOD" instead of "The Devil" it's more fitting. Although I'd like to believe that GOD will never show a bad side.
2. TIME, as we use it, in every day terms, again for the most part, is used in a bad sense. We are running out of TIME. You did something wrong "Your gonna do TIME", TIME will tell, We have no TIME to do it.
The only good thing about TIME is. We have lots of it. (So to speak)
Opposing Factors (attitude point):
When our life/lives are over
a. GOD goes with you, or you will go to be with GOD.
As opposed to:
b. TIME goes on with out you. In a sense "It doesn't care"
Do you get the GOOD bad connotations. I think its very important that we see this, as much as we take these thoughts/terms for granted.
Common factors (attitude point):
We use both GOD and TIME as excuses for the unexplainable and other events.
So was GOD born? I think so. If you believe that we were made in GODS image, then it's possible that GOD was born too. I also think that GOD had to learn. Just as we do (side note).
I believe that GOD and TIME came from the same "womb". Both were identical and paternal twins at the same time. Seems like an "illogical" thought, and it is. But illogic can only happen, once again in my opinion, once and not in our existance
Now, how did this birth happen and where did it occur. This is another discussion.
These are really excerpts of my "Something from Nothing" thread. So any topic that I refer to as "another discussion" is covered there, but I will have no reservation brining them up as an individual thread.
Believe if you want, and question if you must.
Never a problem
GOD bless all |