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Pleased To Be Perfectly Imperfect

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Posted by Mohammad Isa Mirsiam on August 8, 2001 16:27:58 UTC

1. Allah is the one and only god

Correct. (God being the only creator)

2. But then there is the devil

Who said that the devil is the creator?

3. Allah speaks through you infallibly.

Allah speaks through those who understand the concept of true God-hood. Even through you to me as a manifest reflection to me so that I should not think of myself as a lesser god (May Allah forbid and forgive me for having to use this analogy). You see, I am pleased to be perfectly imperfect in a way that makes me understand that I can be hurt or offended or wrong. Then I shall never become like unto the devil whom Allah has given respite for a while after confusing his given intelligence which is God's gift to that of his own because he could not see God he thought that his brain or some part of himself or the whole of himself is god and being a created spirit made of fire and/or electricity of some sort it is within the nature of the devil to resist confinement when it has no body thus it continually tries to fit in to bodies of some being or another in order to confess to itself its own delusion of godhood (this is an error fallen in to a loop that only Allah is able to repair by allowing these spirits to dwell (for a predetermined reason - perhaps in bodies of animals and/or mankind - (by the mercy and justice of God) in order to have the body, willingly or unwillingly surrender that devil back to Allah. You see this may be why we have so many people doing themselves harm when in actual fact all they have to do is to obey the commandments and the devil will have a swift end and we will not need the police or the government and its' military (of which the knowledge is given to us by Allah) to keep one another in check. If every living being were to just allow itself to be governed by the commandments of Allah thus governing itself one would not need governance by any form of government. Cut back greed for any thing and be content with one ore three square meal a day and be content with a room or two or three to sleep and work from then we would start exploring the universe as we should from out of common areas which we would all own a right to.

No one is trying to dictate here. I thought we were all agreed to pin down the identity of the ONE and ONLY TRUE CREATOR (which we have titled "GOD") now if God has to be indestructible and eternal etc. then we must agree before we can form a direction and a thesis for future topics. If professional Science and mathematics is absolute, as many believe it is then we must not have a "Variable GOD"!

Lovingly Understanding


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