...You are not the perfect vehicle for communication. Nobody is.
Dear relative:
I agree fully with you with regard to communication!! For this reason I try and send web pages to have you and others read and find the details for themselves.
Limited communication of mankind shows us how we are unlike God as such if God was made Manifest in the flesh as Christianity suggests then all would be in heaven with God and would kill themselves to get there. Suicide is not an option to play with. Many Christians try to kill themselves based on this false notion.
Gender is only the limitation of the English language Allah is a word without gender and is singular only. Another words in English one dose not have a word or a sound to describe direction in place of a personage but in Arabic or Farsi and possible other languages there is a word that describes a direction to the creator such as "U" pronounced "oo" as in "FOOD" WE say: With out "U" ("U" [like pointing, ones index finger, at a direction without seeing an object as the manifestation of the "U" or “It” or “Allah” or one without gender who needs no gender to create a thing that by its command, in a special word - that none knows except Allah alone – which Allah or “U” can utter to make “BE” a temporal being unlike itself which is a being - internally internal and external in direction to a fixed center which needs not to move to be at the center of all things as a live conscious being which is not fed but feeds which rests not but gives rest which is not an accident or a cause but causes all created things to its' own direction in the end all created things being the subject or object being willing or unwilling... and more.) We say: Without, “U”, Allah there is no other deity who owns both place and time which it self needs not to sustain itself as a conscious being with intent and intelligence that is so good that there is naught good with out it Allah. (See even the English language is not complete enough for me not to use the word "IT" which usually describes objects or things and has no sound of respect in the meaning for the living creator with out whom there is no life. This word “IT” is also limited but a directional word that has its' center in all places with out needing to move to be there is the best description of the dwelling place of "Allah" though Allah needs no particular place to dwell in as we do but dwells there as a manifestation of Allah's own existence for the living created being which only develops other created matter from existing creation in order to manifest its one generosity and goodness as a self fulfillment toward itself and others who may benefit by that generosity and not out of any need but out of mercy and not out of a need for sacrifice in order to sustain itself as we are told that sacrifice is the way of another creature of Allah which could not exist with out sacrifice for it feeds on the energy of the spirits which believe in this notion for they have sold their spirits to this other entity for a while by Allah's leave because Allah is able to forgive those who see the truth even from out of Hell through TRUE REPENTANCE as such we believe that salvation is achieved through repentance and not sacrifice for Allah is the most merciful without whom there is no mercy.)
As ever humble
Forever peace