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Posted by Billy/">Billy on September 6, 1999 17:01:03 UTC

: : Scientists use logic and evidence to understand the world instead of blind faith. Science lets us understand the universe. There is no evidence for the existence of god. I think that science has simply revealed the truth about god. He doesn't exist.

: But see, here is where the real logical fallacy occurs. Science already presupposes against the existence of a transcendent creator from the first premise. Therefore, : how can true science ever approach absolute reality if there are presuppositions? (Given that reality IS God) Science would never come to the understanding of God; : science may point to, or hint at the nature of God, but will not come to the understanding or relationship of God. He who puts his faith in the power of reason will : only yield what his mind desires next.

: " For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to : conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there of centuries. "

***That sure is a pretty story, really, but whatabout reality, first of all, for virtually all scientists, each one builds upon anothers successes toward a better understanding of reality (or truth) and the few that have climbed to the top of thier own peaks and actually achieved a revolutionary finding have never found any others already there, especially little bands of theologians. That part for some reason reminds me of the good fantasy series "The Lord of the Rings" by Tolkien and especially "the Hobbit". There is a big difference between scientists and theologians, the first build upon others facts and/or theories based upon "educated" guesses and are willing to adjust with new evidence, although there is a need for some sceptisism in all areas including long lived "common knowledge". But the latter is unwilling to adjust with any new proofs, base thier entire premise upon the fantasy of those who lived thousands of years ago and pretended they knew everything, and submit such outrageous concepts that it makes one wonder if there is any real hope for the human race at all, ie. that a book is written by a controler of the universe, that 33.3% of this controlers "people?" rebeled and were allowed to exist and wreak havok against the controllers greatest achievement "Us of course" and that these two sides constantly fight battles over our will so that we will chose the good, right, bigger, safe in the future, controler and creator of the universes side so that we don't fall into the evil hands of the minority, outcast bad mean demonic, doomed to eternal torture, against the authority of a merciless ultimate controler, socially unaceptable side. Of course, there are many books of fantasy which people are "pressured?" into believing or accepting as real or truthful. Of course I could be all wrong, and only think I know a thing or two about reality. Billy

: -Dr. Robert Jastrow : Founder of NASA's Institute for Space Studies

: It takes faith to believe in something that cannot be proven in an absolute sense. Given this first principal, how can science ever avoid faith? : This is why faith is not really the issue at hand. Its our rebellion and disdain against Jesus Christ. We don't want to know Him. We want to be in control of our own : lives.

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