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Posted by Mario Dovalina on July 20, 2001 19:02:35 UTC

"You leave out their "WHATS": "god", "heaven", "hell", etc.,etc., If you accept their WHATS, their WHYS make plenty of sense.

Can you not comprehend the possibility that your WHATS could be in error? If not, you ride in exactly the same boat as they!"

What I meant to say is that the basis of their WHATS is flawed. The WHAT information of religion is either flawed or subjective, for example, when the earth was proven not to have been created in six days, modern fundamentalists modify the object of that WHAT and say the Bible had meant God-Days.

Well, that's fine but it also makes religious WHATS contingent on scientific WHATS. People believed the earth was created in six earth-days until science showed that was false. So, what is more reliable: a religious WHAT that follows scientific law loosely in a feeble attempt to stay credible, or a scientific WHAT that is based on observation and deduction?

Of course, scientific WHATS may be wrong. I have never, ever, ever, debated this. But all beliefs do not have equal claim to validity. To use an example I have used 1.8 million times before, if Person X believes in newtonian physics and Person Y believes in the law of relativity, Person Y is more correct than his opponent. Not 100% correct, more correct.

It's easy for people to say "We can't be sure about anything, so I'll believe whatever the hell I want since no one can disprove me." That is taking the coward's way out.

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