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Re: V-ger

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Posted by daViper on August 3, 1999 08:42:09 UTC

: : Ok V-ger, If you recall I said, Now Pay Attention, If you read non-revisionist history, Darwin renounced his theroy as speculative....etc. It's key to read the proper info from the proper sources............Not the K thru 6th grade stuff that you've gained your ingnorance from. Evolution is a theory,untried assumption, that takes more faith to believe then Christ's resurrection. If you want to learn about what really going on in science I suggest that you go to, and fill your head with facts not fallacy. Oh yeah, the reason that I haven't entered into intercourse with you is that it's hard to converse with someone that thinks of themself as pond-scum evolved. :::::::::::::::: Ahem!

If I may but in here.

I'll admit the lady is a bit brusque but if YOU read your own posts, you'll see that she pointed out the Darwin quote as a fabricated lie that dates to the revisionist history you speak of here. The refutation came from no less than his own daughter who was with him at the time he died and contained a very good explaination of how the lie was started in the first place.

Personally, I care a whit about this but I'm afraid the "Vgirl" is right on this one, and it is you who are wrong.

If you can't accept that, so be it, but it is wrong nonetheless and the source you quote to the contrary is either just plain wrong also, or is deliberately continuing the lie.

Perhaps you can provide a link to the web site you have listed here where the page is that continues to make this claim since it has long been noted to be a falsehood. One can only wonder at the motives of those who continue to claim untruths knowingly. I'll be happy to send them Dr. Darwin's Daughter's letter that exposes the lie for what it is. If you trust this source so much, perhaps YOU should likewise point this out to them in the interest of their integrity as well as yours.

As to her claiming to be descended form "pond scum" as you so presumptiously put it, I can't see where she ever said anything about believing in abiogenesis. In fact, from what I read of her words, she seems to be a Christian who believes in Creation as all of them I know do.

I have respect for SOME Christians. The ones who seek knowledge and don't claim to know it all as you appear to do everywhere on this message board.

I have no respect however for phonies who force their way onto websites yelling their evangelistic nonsense as if the rest of us somehow OWE you respect because you come here and preach it. I'll choose my own preacher frankly my good man and I can assure you, you aren't it.

I don't know how old either of you two are but your both a bit immature when it comes to communicating with people and frankly you seem to be the most arrogant and self-serving of all.

This will be all I have to say to you young man since I haven't read much of anything you tout here as worthy of comment beyond this little note above.

Grow up.

And the BOTH of you need to learn some manners.

Good day!

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