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Re: Some Funny But All Too Real Quotes.

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Posted by Valkyrie on August 1, 1999 22:12:06 UTC

: : : : : : : : : : "One can often recognize herd animals by their tendency to carry bibles." -- Allen Wheelis in "The Signal" : : : : : : : : : : - : : : : : : : : : : "No, I suggest that creationism is imposed on the Bible. By making itinto a religious issue, the proponents have latched on to the onlyconstituency that would put up with it. Where do the ideas come from?From that well-known source, fear of the new. Why else is it soimpoverished of ideas?" -- Tom Scharle : : : : : : : : : : - : : : : : : : : : : "I'm not sure, but He seems to be inordinately fond of beetles." -- J.B.S. Haldane responding to the question, "What has the study of biology taught you about the Creator Dr. Haldane?"

: : : : : : : : : : "If evolution is outlawed only outlaws will evolve." -- Daniel A. Ashlock

: : : : : : : : : "Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me." Ps. 42 vs. 7 : : : : : : : :

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : This is good. I like it. Here's a couple more.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : "I think that the next time that I see some creationist point out that the present species could evolve from a few 'kinds' on the Ark, I am : : : : : : : : going to point out that that is impossible because of the 'second law of thermodynamics'". -- Tom Scharle

: : : : : : : : "We want to shear the Lord's sheep of their wooly, fuzzy thinking, not stampede them. So we can't use chainsaws." -- Max G. Webb

: : : : : : : : This could get interesting, but I'm not so sure about the chainsaw part....yet.

: : : : : : : One only has to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet we are here as a result, I beleive, of spontaneous generation. Nobel Laureate G. Wald I like a man of faith......

: : : : : : : : : : : : The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible. -- Einstein

: : : : : : Evidently, God not only plays dice but plays blind-folded, and, at times, throws them where you can't see them. -- Hawking

: : : : : : I can't think of anything that expands the mind more than thoughts of God. -- Jim Loucks

: : : : : : and then...

: : : : : : I can't think of anything that expands the mind more than revising one's assumptions in the light of evidence. -- Chris Lee

: : : : : : Faith is fine for contemplating what you don't understand. Trying to make it fit the way you want things to be is blind faith however. The first brings wisdom, the second propagates ignorance. - Valkyrie

: : : : : I liked the last quote best Val. You would disagree that it would apply to Mr. G. Wald? your friend bzrd:)

: : : : : : : : No, I wouldn't disagree at all. I'm a person of faith myself. God gave us all common sense. Unfortunately, some of us toss it when the learning process gets a little difficult. To me, clinging to the ideas of the past, especially when they've been proven wrong, is just mental laziness.

: : : : Anyone that thinks God has revealed all His truths to us long ago does not do Him justice. God isn't ignorant, people are.

: : : : Thank you for asking.

: : : I would say that God has revealed all His laws in the bible. His truths are here for us to discern. O Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all; the earth is full of thy riches.

: : : : I do believe in the truth of what you say here but I also believe He has wonders yet to be revealed.

: : Us Valkyries were given the task of escorting the Heros to Valahala but we were also given the burden of choosing just who the next heros would be to die in the cause for rightiousness.

: : I'd say you'd do very well. Wanna volunteer?

: I'm afraid you went over my head (no great feat) on that one Val.....

Forgive me. I was complimenting you on your conduct as a believer by not being one of the many believers who feel they can just walk in and preach without being invited. Preaching is something engaged in all to often on message boards like this, and it is usually very presumptious of the perpetrators to do so. I do not see you as one of these. I see you as an honest man of honest faith. Not a false proclaimer of "THE TRUTH". Those who proclaim to have "THE TRUTH" are ususlly the ones least in possession of it.

I was proclaiming you one of the heros of the rightious and asking you to volunteer to "die" for the cause. Tongue in cheek of course.

I'm of Nordic background myself and the handle "Valkyrie" suits me since in the mythology, the Valkyries choose the heros, and escort them to Heaven (Valhala) when they die.

It was a compliment, meant in sincerity, but delivered in jest.

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