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God In Hiding

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Posted by Carl Ulrich on May 19, 2001 16:58:31 UTC

In a primitive world of eaters and eaten, in a world of insanely fanatical dogma and constant chaos and confusion with everything in a state of flux, in a world of bigotry, hatred, war never-ending, please do not tell me that all I have to do is look at the stars in the night sky to see the face of God. Why does this creator(?) God hide from his nervous and superstitious subjects? Is it because he-she-it made a mistake and slinks away in embarrassment? Is it because he-she-it doesn't realy know what he-she-it is doing, and now everything is out of control? Is it because he-she-it is not the most powerful and hides in fear from the approach of one more powerful? Is it because he-she-it doesn't know how to correct his-her-its mistakes, and now on this planet and countless other planets billions of innocents blindly breed, suffer, and die in utter agony without purpose or meaning through billions of insufferable years?
Mankind's innate instincts long for answers; if none are forthcoming, he will invent his own, no matter how ludicrous or destructive, and in time some of those answers based on speculation and superstition become iron-clad dogmas demanding punishment or death for all those who dare to cast doubt on this man-made destructive sewage. The truly free individual human being lives as a skeptic, in silence, meditation, contemplation, respecting all life while he searches for answers all the way to death's door. Perhaps there is a God deserving of respect and homage, but I bet he-she-it admires an honest man questioning, observing, speculating, trying to find meaning in life and death, individually and collectively -glad for the momentary flicker of self-awareness, until he can question no more. Life after death? I doubt it. Who but an utter fool would want to live forever? It's all so absolutely unnecessary. Reincarnation? Even sillier than the first premise. When you're dead, you no longer exist - so what's the bid deal? What matters is here, now, and the answers you find on your journey through life and how you live your life for yourself and for others, but beware the endless traps of fear and dogma and superstition - they insult the very fabric of God (if there is such a being) and lead you to a worthless deadend, void of self respect or any worthwhile compassion for life, for all the teeming billions, past, present, and future, in human and nonhuman form.

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