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Posted by Brian E. Sloan on May 13, 2001 13:46:08 UTC

A man is a moral free-agent, whether he accepts the finished work of Christ as means to salvation, or not. I am a sinner, saved by the Grace of God, not by my works.

There is a role for sin to play, in a prophetical sense. Not that it is the will of God, that we should sin. But rather, sin is a manifestation of man's rebellious nature.

The reason it will accellerate in the these latter-days, is because man thinks scince transcendent ethical codes [specifically the Ten Commandments] don't exist, or are a temporal vestige of evolution, he is capable of making the rules up as he goes.

And he is capable of doing just that.

It is significant that Adam and Eve took an apple off the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I used to wonder why it wasn't simply called the "tree of disobedience". I have scince discovered that the Word, is always deeper than me.

The inate ability to separate the sacred from the profane, does not lie within us. That is, man will always seek to justify himself. I would venture to guess that Hitler, was justified in his own mind.

It is only through denying the existence of the transcendent, that a man can acheive self-justification. What we are witnessing is the process of man seeking to justify himself, coming to fruition.

There is a war going on. At the periphery, is the battle of posting the Ten Commandments in public schools, or permitting biology teachers to elucidate the weaknesses in evolutionary theory.

But the battle is fought for the hearts and minds of men and children. The globalists, those that seek to rule the world, are cognizant of the fact that men who percieve that their rights are granted by God, and not the state, do not make good slaves of the state.

Thus, the aforementioned have little to do with science, and everything to do with mind control. Therefore, if a science teacher chooses to teach intelligent design, instead of Darwin, they will not have Stephen Hawking at the door, but rather, the NEA, ACLU or the NSA. These groups mask their ideological agendas behind a facade of good works.

Yanniru, though the battles wage, the Victor has been determined.

Whose side are you on brother?


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