I forgot to clarify where Sheler's words ended. I put the part I copied from an internet site in single quotes. I found it by making an internet search for "Apostle Paul Homosexual".
The URL is http://www.wisdomofsolomon.com/ap.html
Sheler got blamed by you for a lot of things that he didn't say, but I said.
You're probably right about Paul's lying quotation being a misquote. Reading the verses before and after suggest that he was speaking from someone else's point of view. I read the other verses but thought maybe this verse was different because it didn't include the "other person's words" qualifying kinds of words like the others did. He probably just omitted that because it was expected to be understood by his reader. The new translation you gave probably better represents to the modern reader what Paul meant, but as I already said probably the added words were not in the original.
It would be incredible for the liar to admit their lie, don't you think? I thought it was amazing that Paul might have done that. Sometimes liars will carelessly admit to their lie to their friends, but not often. I was wrong this time. Of course, that doesn't mean Paul didn't lie, just that my claim that he admitted he lied is false.
> I find this attitude by Spong and others very
> discomforting. First, I find it nothing but a
> cheap "he must be gay" slander. . .
I, on the other hand, find it comforting. For biblical saints and prophets to be reduced to mere mortals gives me great consolation. They were just deluded men who had aspirations to be servants of God. If they really were the miracle-working, God-conversing, righteous giants they were portrayed to be that would be the end of atheism.
Why do you believe they were these miracle-workers when their like doesn't exist today? Are we so much more wicked today that no religious giants can be found to stop the sun, stop the rain, make it rain, walk on water, divide the rivers, move mountains, raise the dead, raise themselves from the dead, turn water into wine, and other amazing things? Maybe you're a liberal Christian that assumes the miracles were exaggerations. But, if so, why won't you consider reasonable that the entire story of Jesus is a myth only very loosely (if at all) on the life of anyone real?