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God In The Box

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Posted by Brian E. Sloan on April 17, 2001 15:58:50 UTC

Hey Paul. Someone said once "that God Created man in his image, and man has been trying to create God in his image ever scince". I think there is an element of truth in this.

If I understand you correctly, you are describing a diety and in theological terms, you would be a deist, if you may forgive me for labeling you. [its not my intent really, just trying to grasp the concept you propose for discussions'sake]

The difference in our respective concepts of God, lies in several areas. Firstly, if what you propose is true, you must contend with the premise that god [small case only to differentiate the two] created a universe that, though finite, is 'bigger' than himself. I suppose one could support this contention with the notion that this is not exactly unheard-of in the sense that we humans can create things that are similarly larger than ourselves--but only using already existent laws and material effects.

Given the above, it is reasonable to propose that god is subserviant, at least in some degree, to the pre-existent laws which he used to create the universe.

This begs a couple of questions which further differentiate our two concepts of god/God. One would be, does this god owe his existence to some material effect? If I may say, your proposition only puts the question of the origin of intelligence back further in time. And therefore, subject to the vagaries of infinite regression. That is, the who created god? scenario, that is often posed by the skeptics.

To me, the only answer to this is found in the Bible, which says [if I may paraphrase] that God is the Alpha and Omega, there was none before Him..etc. Of course, the reasoning is circular in this instance, and is essentially an article of faith [how could it be anything else?]. However, it does answer the question.

It is my position, that all of the physical and mathematical laws are of a product of creation, and contained within the confines of the universe and/or space/time.

God, as I percieve Him, is in total control, and has the ability to intervene from without the space/time domain [nonlinear space/time intervention?]. Further, from His perspective from without, He would know the End from the Beginning, allowing Him the capability of writting history in advance.

Even with this, I have certainly succeeded in putting Him in a box, which I have been guilty of before. A solution to this is going out on a clear night, looking into the heavens, and knowing that His thoughts are not my thoughts...

Peace to you.

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