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Re: Those Mischievous Purveyors

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Posted by Harv........ on April 12, 2001 18:08:45 UTC

Hello Dick,

Since religion is developed from many factors as I mentioned, it all depends upon the factor in question. For example, if religion strays into scientific issues, then science would inform the religious practitioner that the religious purveyor is lying (or misleading) them. If the issue pertains to economics, then the state of the economy might be a good indicator of what works and what doesn't work. If the religious purveyor strays into pure philosophical thought, then philosophical discourse may show some frailities in the argument of the religionist. If the issue is about medical cures, then a medical practitioner may have something to say that would correct the religious purveyor.

I guess what you're looking for is empirical evidence that either entirely supports or entirely thwarts the position held by a religious teacher. Unfortunately this is mostly unattainable since the religious teacher is espousing ontological propositions of the world, and as we all know by now, humans have no firm footing at making ontological statements. So, we have the ability to make arguments (based on certain types of evidence) that make a religious argument look to be in error, but we cannot fully disprove those arguments. As I've said on the other forum, solipsism is not an attractive argument, but it is irrefutable nonetheless.

Warm regards, Harv

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