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Posted by Richard Ruquist on April 5, 2001 12:38:56 UTC

The strongest evidence for me in something existing beyond what science is able or willing to investigate is personal communication with beings who are not physical in the ordinary sense of that word. My guess is that all religious beliefs stemm for that very subjective source.

But just as is happening today people want proof and understanding. And so the religious leaders, of all time, make up theories, really just models, like resurrection and even god, as explanations for why things happen. This is reassuring for the average person. But given the inadequate status of science, the science on which these explanations are based, the explanations are quite likely to be erroneous.

But that does not negate the source of the communication. Now if you have never had such a communication, it's easy to claim hallucination or whatever. And after a lifetime of making such arguments, if it were to happen, you might just commit yourself to an asylum. Nevertheless, I and many of my friends and family have had such communication. The communication exists. The question is where does it come from.

But where it comes from is dangerous territory as it involves explanation and understanding. So our hypotheses are likely to be erroneous. That understood, it still is the nature of man to pursue understanding. Sheer rejection is not to pursue understanding. Sheer rejection is akin to blind faith.

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