Hm, it looks like Pakistan is greatly different than Azerbaijan. I wonder, why? In Azerbaijan there were (and is) plenty of industry. I remember in Sumgait we had huge steel plant, huge fertilizer plant, glass plant, multichemical plant, radio-parts plant, oil refinery, syntetic rubber plant, uranium enrichment plant, military airplaine electronic/radar equipment factory - those were giants employing many thousands or hundreds of people each. And there were plenty of smaller industries, as well as scientific-research institutions and labs supporting various industries. And, of course, they all needed workers, engineers, scientists, etc. There were several colleges in Sumgait and many colleges and universities in Baku (capital of Azerbaijan). But because in Russia (just a few hundreed miles north) teaching in colleges was even better, I decided to go there (Dolgoprudny is in moscow district), where they had better institutes and specialized in wider variety of areas.
In Russia (or Azerbaijan) higher education institutions are mostly highly specialized schools in certain area each - this way you can learn in depth rather than taking tons of different 101 classes and "know nothing about everything". We, by the way do not call those schools colleges or universities, they are called "institutes". And the load in the "institute" is much higher than, for example, in the USA's university: usually lectures are from 8 to 12, then seminars from 1 to 4 and then labs or practical work from 5 to 7-9. Yet you have to do plenty of homework each and every day. And professors do not care to have "fun" for their students - if a student does not perform, he should drop and yeild to others from the "waiting list" outside.
In Azerbajan as well as in Russia higher education is free - no tuition, textbooks are free, dormitorium is free, food stamps for cafeteria are free, no utility bills, free doctors on campus and in the city. Moreover - goverment pays to students not to seek distracting jobs before they graduate. Every B student gets a stipend and every A student - elevated stipend.
So my parents (father was civil engineer, mother -kindergarten teacher) did not worry at all about cost of education (otherwise they probably could not afford it for me).
And there was no influence of religion on society at all, although there were some semi-empty churches and mosques around - very and very few people took them seriousely (some old folks, you know).
In your situation - I do not know then why to go to college if you will not have a job in the field you like. This is sad that government does not develop industries.
Well, then you have only two choices: either to find a marketable profession which still have some attraction for you (college teacher, for example), or to move out of the country after graduation (or in the process). I think, if you will be AB student, you can easily find a college in the country with more jobs than in Pakistan and then transfer there (could be India, UK, Germany, France, USA, Canada, Australia, etc.).
And your level of education will not be a problem - foreigners are almost always doing better than natives thanks to more comprehensive education in the countries they came from. But English (or whatever is the second language) may be the factor native people will judge your mental abilities by (strange, is not it? but fact). So take more English classes and do all homework teacher asks - then you will be better prepared to succeed in western world.
Cosmology is physics and physics is math - so you have to be strong in math to learn cosmology.
Genetics does not require much math (for now) but requires a lot of patience to work long lab hours with routine procedures over and over, (although modern genetic labs have more and more robotic equipment).
Either way, there is much more of a hard work than just enjoying a fascination of learning in becoming good specialist in ANY field.
Sincerely, Alex.