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Messiah Prophesies Fulfilled By Design

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Posted by John Morgan Powell on February 12, 2001 12:56:45 UTC

If the writers of the New Testament invented the Jesus story then it would be possible for them to fulfill a large number of Old Testament prophesies by design. Problems are bound to happen, however, since some Old Testament prophets might not have agreed with each other and the New Testament writers might misinterprete what the Old Testament prophet meant.

For example, Isaiah speaks of a "young maiden" giving birth to the Messiah. This was misinterpreted to read "virgin" so the whole virgin birth part of the story was invented.

The Messiah was supposed to be a Nazarene or Nazarite so the story was invented about his family living in the fictitious community of Nazareth.

And so on.

Isn't it possible that religious writers make these things up? Consider a more modern example.

Some prophesies by Joseph Smith appear to have been revised or invented by later LDS historians so that his prophesies appeared to have been fulfilled. Modern readers are left to assume Joseph Smith was a great prophet. If LDS historians can rewrite history like this, it's certainly possible, isn't it, that the writers of the Gospels could have done similar sorts of things?

What evidence is there that the Jesus story is true rather than fictional? Are we supposed to accept it just because some nice people believe it and it makes us feel good?

Science doesn't require this level of faith and gullibility. Anyone with the appropriate equipment should be able to do the experiments necessary to verify someone else's claims.

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