The significance of the signs we've seen so far:
Virgo - The Seed of the Woman - Speaks of Christ as the incarnate Son of God who will be 100% divine and 100% human (Gen 3:15).
Libra - The Required Price Paid: Relates to Christ as the Redeemer who paid the full price of sin (Isa 53).
Scorpio - The Mortal conflict. Set forth Christ as wounded for our transgressions, and the bruising of Christ's heel as necessary for victory over Satan (II Corinth 5:21).
Sagittarius - The Final Triumph Portrays Christ, the God-man, as the vitor over sin and satan (1 John 3:8)
Capricornus - Life Out Of Death - Illustrates that through Christ's death for our sins we are made spiritually alive (John 12:24).
Aquarius - Blessing Out of Victory - Speaks of the joy of God's Spirit poured out on His people as the fruit of Jesus' victory (John 7:37).
Pisces - Deliverance Out of Bondage - Foretells of God's deliverance of people of all nations from the slavery of sin into the gloriouslight of His love through the preaching of the Gospel (Matt 4:18,19).
Aries - Glory Out of Humiliation - Illustrates how, although Christ was humbled and slain as 'the lamb of God', He has been raised from the dead and made the Ruler of all cration(Rev 5:12).
Would you like me to stop now, or continue with the more detailed illustrations which describe the themes of the others as follows:
Taurus - His Glorious Coming - Foretells that Christ will come in judgment like a rampaging bull upon the sinful world (Isa 34:2-8); Gemini - His Union with His Bride - Speaks of Christ's fellowship with His people in His eternal kingdom (I Thess 4:17); Cancer - His Possessions Held Secure - Assures us ofGod's fulfillment of His promise that He will have a great kingdom filled with a multitude of people from every race, tribe, and nation (Gen 22:17), and Leo - His Enemies Destroyed - Prophetically assures us that Jesus Christ shall be victorious over sin, the world, and Satan (Rev 5:5).
Let me know, and i'll resume. :) |