Richard David Yannopoulos-Ruquist wrote the following:
> Dark matter is invisible. Do you however
> believe that it exists. If so why. Can
> you prove to me that it exists?
in response to Alexander, who wrote:
> Sure, God is is invisible and unreal . . .
There is a difference between accepting as real something we cannot see, but can verify its effects, and something we cannot see, cannot verify its effects, and don't need to explain the universe.
Neutrinos were proposed to exist to account for apparent violations of conservation of energy and momentum in nuclear reactions. They were later discovered.
Quantum Mechanics and Relativity developed to account for non-Newtonian effects in atomic reactions and other phenomena. They have been verified in numerous experiments.
Dark Matter was proposed to account for stars and galaxies apparently moving with more than escape velocity, but not escaping. Such matter has not yet been discovered, but some of the effects are observed.
On the other hand, God and other mythical beings have been proposed to account for many features of our universe for which an obvious answer was not available.
Who keeps the plants growing, the water flowing, etc.? Wood fairies/nymphs and water fairies/nymphs
Where do children come from? The stork brings them.
What causes lightning? Zeus throwing a thunderbolt or Thor striking his hammer.
What causes the motion of the Sun? Apollo riding his chariot across the sky.
What causes a solar eclipse? A dragon eating the Sun.
How did the Earth come to be? God made it.
Where did animals and plants and man come from? God made them.
Where did women come from? Adam's rib.
Where did the names of all the animals come from? Adam.
How come life is so difficult? Adam and Eve ate a fruit forbidden by God.
How come things are so perfect for life on Earth (right distance from the sun, right size of planet, right atmosphere, right constants of nature, etc.)? Because God made it that way for us.
Who messed up the things in my workroom? Gremlins.
Why did (or didn't) I win at Vegas? Lady Luck.
What's under my bed making noises? A boogeyman.
Where did all these christmas presents come from? Santa Clause.
As science adequately explains the universe, the tendency to propose mythical or supernatural forces or persons should decrease. God is just the most sophisticated of the various mythical beings mankind has come up with to explain the complicated world he lives in.
There is good evidence of dark matter. What good evidence is there of God? |