fyi re: 'I do not see recall any place where I may have posted that I would limit...' on the 3rd page of posts, 1/4 I posted 'The WORD was 'more science',in which i reminded you: 'jisbond on 12/24/00, not even TWO WEEKS AGO, posted:
"You may be right my brother. I shall try and use more science. Thanks for the recommendation(s). Truly! With Love Jisbond " - apparently, that statement of yours was not genuine enough for you to remember saying your own words.
Your comment above that yours is "...possibly, much wanted information (knowledge)..." while MAYBE true, is difficult to quantify when it is not REQUESTED by anyone. When so much is put into a single post without request, it seems to be that you are talking just to talk. How do you expect a person to think about your words/info when you put 20 different topics in a single post? I'm not saying your info is not 'good word' or useless, I'm just trying to suggest you MIGHT try the STRATEGY of SMALLER posts when STARTING a thread, and reserve the LONG ones like that for when someone ASKS questions, more like a conversation than a lecture. That's all.
So, I differ with your statement, "Nothing justifies limiting the good words of ones heart" in that if they are TRULY "good" perhaps they are best not obscured and sandwiched between many differing topics.
Even I find your very long posts make my head swim, and i'm convinced you really have no interest in feedback from anyone else, and I'VE seen many of your posts. How patient do you expect a new visitor to be with post after post like that one? If you think your words are truly 'needed/wanted', make them digestible. Just some friendly advice. Maybe then if they still don't understand you might not be so frustrated yourself.