What is it in the nature of humanity that with all our scientific evidence, we still believe in a God? The mere belief in something doesn’t make it true. Yet the stronger we believe something to be, the more we are apt to believe it to be true.
Is it possible that the very nature of the human condition is laid out for us by a creative force we call God? Or that we were created by Nature to believe in a spiritual self, and a God. That these beliefs have evolved in the human race over time. Have taken root in our genetic makeup. That our survival depends on us to believe in a God, or gods.
What this means is that whatever created us, has an understanding as to what it is capable of doing to the human race as it advances along some sort of evolution. That this intelligence (God) has created the conditions for the DNA to evolve into intelligent beings and that this intelligence grows along with our growth and development.
Who then does God belong to? Is God an exclusive ownership of some religious philosophy or organized religion? Thereby only a religious authority has the right to define what God is or is not. Some of, if not all the different religions of the world claim the exclusive right to define what God is and what god is not. These religions can be as contradictory and even outrageous when one starts to compare them to each other.
Some of these religions go so far as to condemn the beliefs of other religions to the point of war, murder and death. The irony is that in the name of their God they commit murder.
Sure there are religions who are much more peaceful in there beliefs but thy too pull a power game on the people by claiming that only through their beliefs can a human expect to be saved.
What does this saved mean? Some say it is life everlasting. Some say it is reincarnation into a better life then the previous one. If one has lived by the rules set down by that particular religious dogma. Some even go so far as to say it is with in the right of their Church to absolve or not to absolve sin.
You have religion and Nationalism. You have religion and racism. Religions create a powerful force with in society. Nationalism also creates a powerful force, bonding a society together just as a religion does. A corrupt evil society can use religion as a tool to enslave the masses of people under the rule of an evil monarchy or dictatorship. All these things have to be considered.
Who has the right to define who and what God is? How could this be so, if God is the creator of humanity how can any human being lay claim that his definition of God the correct one. This would imply that humans have created God to serve their purpose, to centralize power around a few and then to control the masses of humanity, regardless of what may or may not be moral.
If one were to take a particular point of view, it would be easy to define all religious belief as corrupt. The reason for this is that all the established religions have been around at least a couple of thousand years and not one of these religions have provided the means that our world society can live in peace with itself. Certain religions have even gone to war in the name of their religious beliefs or to force their religious belief upon those non-believers.
Human Rights.
Society determines what rights each individual may have, and what actions would be considered taboo. Any behavior that strengthens society and promotes prosperity and human growth would surly not be considered taboo for that society. Yet in a different environment a society may have opposite beliefs from another society and both groups of humanity are able to live and prosper. These people, separated by thousands of miles, live with completely different religious beliefs and social taboos. Yet both of these groups do well as long as they don’t cross paths.
Is it really part of Gods plan that the stronger of the two groups absorbs the other? One set of beliefs then replaces another. In some way it really doesn’t matter what God either side believes in, the stronger and smarter will win out. The victor will claim that there God is the stronger God and that the conquered tribe and most of it’s beliefs and traditions will pass away. Unless those conquerors find it useful to adopt some of others religious beliefs. Things like this have been going on for thousands of years.
Who does God belong to, which God is the right one to believe in. When a particular God or Gods no longer serve the needs of society they get replace by another God.
In a free society such as the USA one has the freedom to believe in any religion one chooses, as long as that religion doesn’t threaten the existence of the greater society we call the United States of America.