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It Is Kind Of Intresting That We Seem To All Agree That Our Eyes

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Posted by Phil.O.Sofir on January 25, 2001 02:50:39 UTC

sense light but darkness is never really mentioned. Seems to me our senses register lack of light in the exact same way. Shadows, shades.
When I say "total darkness" is it understood by your thoughts, can you "picture" it? Is it not strange that there are "blind" creatures which have a degree of accuracy much more precise than our own? Smell, heat, cold, movement, they all are based upon movement of matter, just like sight is.
If vision is so supreame and based on light, why is it that there are things as fast or faster at responding to other stimuli?
Surely there are medium which move faster than light.
There was a post earlier or later somewhere that spoke about time standing still if moving at the speed of light, is this not relative to what is in proximity to this movement?
Can the speed of light vary? It seems it does, this is what creates the colors we see, if there were two parallel beams of light travelling at exactly the same speed, seperated by a distance of say a trillion miles in empty space, and one was bent by the effect of a big bang (or black hole) and the other one was not (at least as much) would the one affected change in speed in relation to the other? If so, would it be slower or faster, or just be travelling in a different path in relation to where the other was heading?
Direction seems to play a factor then in the calculation of speed of light...
Surely this has been addressed already somewhere.
Anyway, I think we actually percieve non-light, but it is so rare (near total darkness) that we just do not pay any attention to its existance.

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