Lets go into some details about your example with snowflakes.
Suppose, you have a bunch of wet air which is cooling down (by radiating in space, or colliding with cooler air, or ascending a mountain standing on its way, or watever). As the air gets colder, its relative humidity increases, and when the temperature drops below dew point the humidity gets over 100% and water wapor starts condensing into tiny droplets (that is how clouds form "out of blue"). Droplets grow bigger and slowly drift down. When some of them are so big that their terminal velocity is larger than the average speed of air currents inside the cloud, they may leave the cloud. (Also, when they collide with each in the cloud, they fuse due to surface tension and grow bigger). Those out of cloud which made it to the ground before they evaporated, are called rain.
Exactly same is the situation in the cloud which temperature is below freezing, but instead of condensing into droplets water wapor deposits directly into ice phase. Due to the characteristic shape of water molecule (which in turn is due to the solution of Shroedinger equation for two protons around O-- ion) in the ice each water molecule is surrounded by 4 other water molecules (arranged in the corners of thetrahedron around central molecule) thus ice crystal has hexagonal singony symmetry shape (3 corners on the first floor, 3 corners shifted 60 degrees on the second, 3 corners shifted another 60 degrees thus coinsiding with the first on the third and so on). That is why ice flakes have hexagonal shape.
Now, on the way down to the ground air currents move drops or flakes back and forth, up and down, right and left. But due to gravity they still drift down and hit the ground somewhere under the cloud unless the wind is strong enough to carry them a little off. Therefore, usually you have rain or snow around under the cloud they originated from (or where wind deviates them by the time they hit the ground). So, you may see that it would be almost impossible to exactly recreate all conditions to arrange for the same cloud, same snowflakes, same air currents anywhere inside/outside cloud to the detail, etc. But due to gravity they still settle somewhere not far from the cloud they precipitating from. Is this what you mean by "yet it (exact recreation) happening" ? I do not see ANY recreation here besides that due to gravity of Earth they settle about under the cloud or wherever air currents bring them. Everything is just interplay of multiple physical events, so what makes you here to conclude that there might be "alternative designs of the universe"?
By the way, average 5-6 mm diameter snowflake has mass about 5-10 milligram, so 100,000 of them is only about 1-2 pounds of snow. To bury average school you'll need at least ten million times more snow (1,000,000,000,000 or more such flakes). But this, of course, is not the point of discussion here.
{My point is that physical laws (which are actually pure mathematical laws) define what way and how each and all things in universe go, without ANY NEED of creator(s), designer(s), governer(s), manager(s) or whatever you call it (them). Nor is there any intelligence seen by naked or aided eye behind any event(s) and their arrangement(s), whether it is motion of a snowflake, a planet, or thunderstorm, brain pulses (revelations, discoveries, ghosts, angels, gods), life origin and evolution, Big (and small) Bang(s), even other intelligent lifes (aliens), etc, etc.} |