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Re: Rationalize

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Posted by Tön/">Tön on April 29, 1999 15:54:04 UTC

: H: : Some of these positions are absolutely amazing. The mind's desire to live forever is powerful indeed. Religions rise and fall, creatures rise and fall, and we try to make sense of it all. Study history, study science, destroy all barriers, and let the teachings throughout your young childhood (derived from your specific culture) exit your mind. Talk with Professors of History, Philosophy, Chemistry, and Biology. Confusion, fear, "the unkown". We want to know, we must know, but can we. Do we. Perhaps those who claim to have the answers are the most dangerous among us. Find, question, ask how not why. : Greg: : So I ask you sir, HOW did the Universe KNOW in the very first second of its existence, that it needed Gravity BEFORE it needed the weak and strong nuclear force, which it needed BEFORE it needed the electromagnetic force? ALL the other Laws of Physics are built upon these four, which were created IN ORDER. So How Sir, did Gravity just happen to be the FIRST? : Now Sir, let me ask you, WHY, do you deny the plausibility that an ancient book of Wisdom, which was MEANT to guide men's moral character, not to be a book of History or a book of Salvation, might contain some allegorical hint as to its Truth, visible only to those who had forgone superstition at last? : I am a Taoist sir, The Bible is NOT my source of religious approval. The Tao was written around 450 B.C. by Lao-Tse. One of its tenets is that opposites, are one and the same. This understanding was arrived at understanding the Nature of Good and Evil. Evil is necessary to see that Good is in fact Good, which makes Evil, Good, because you want to be able to KNOW that Good IS Good. Good Intentions, often go astray, resulting in unfortunate outcomes, which makes Good, Evil. Opposites, One and the Same. : Now, if you will respond with just ONE instance of where YOU can show me where(HOW) opposites, are one and the same, I will say no more. Please respond in any case, because if you cannot, I am going to blow your socks off with a scientific understanding that was unknown in 450 B.C. but which shows that opposites, ARE indeed one and the same! Where you suggest I rationalize sir, I believe my understanding comes from another source. Perhaps you've heard of it. Its known as EnLightenmenT. :o) __________

H, h, is merely that, desire. Desire can be confused as survival instinct. Our actions or "desires" are merely the results of our carnal behavior to live at any costs. We feel as human beings, since we can rationalize, that are "seperate" from nature's physical effects. Indeed our arrogance is our blindness.

Laws as we know them are social constructions of different realities. Different reality, different laws. When you say universal, do we remind ourselves to the extent it applies? Is it laws to our limited knowledge of the universe? Is discovery then a moot action? Or does the ignorance of the laws we have created excuse nothing? In the Tao Teh Ching the poetry reads that the universe as a mystery, and my feeling that it will remain that way, have we actually solved it and created stringent laws to abide?

The paradox of the Taoist psychology crosses the "imperceptible barriers" of awareness. H is doing exactly that. I believe he is very much enlightened.


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