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Re: Quantum Self-consciousness

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Posted by DAVID/">DAVID on April 24, 1999 17:31:35 UTC

: : David:

: : Could you explain how the axions provide for x-ray vision. I did check out the "Autobiography of a Yogi" that you mentioned below, and I also noticed the part where he saw a cow pass behind a wall and he continued to see him. So apparently x-ray vision happens, but with axions, not x-rays. But what is the mechanism?

: Yanniru:

: Like neutrinos, axions interact so waekly with physical particles that physical structures are transparent to them. However, axions are essentially motionless, whereas neutrinos travel at nearly the speed of light. : So to have as you call it, axion vision, we need mechanisms to emit signals, as from the cow, transport those signals in the axion medium, and then receive or detect the signals in the axion computer that corresponds to a reflection of a human brain. : That's a great deal to know nothing about. So I cannot say much about how axion vision could work. But my supposition is that it works with vibrations like sound waves, only the vibrations are of the collective motion of the axions. Presumably all physical structures are reflected in the axion background by collective vibrations, and like sound waves they are likely to radiate. So it's fairly easy to understand the transmission and propagation of axion waves. The real problem is the detection mechanism. That requires some sort of nonlinear medium which the axion medium is not. There must be other kinds of particles that interact with axions just as light interacts with atoms in the physical world. : By the way just as sound waves pass through each other, axion waves pass through each other as well as physical structures, thus accounting for axion vision. All we need is an intelligent axion receptor.

David: Your description of the axion medium reminds me of a quote from the Bagavatam where Krishna says that you remain in heaven until your merit runs out and then you must be born again. Well let us suppose that one's consciousness is impressed on the axion medium in terms of vibrations alone. Since the axion medium is frictionless the impression of one's consciousness would last a long time, but probably not forever, as you state that all vibration impressions radiate and must therefore eventually dissapate. Now the consciousness, if this is correct, must be distinguished from the soul which by definition must last forever. The conjecture is to identify one's merit with the strength of the consciousness one develops before death. Krishna also says that one can break the cycle of death and birth by appealing to him, in particular by using the mantra "Haraye Namah". So the question is, what does the use of this mantra do to the vibrations in the axion medium to make them last. Perhaps Krishna resupplies what is radiated away?

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