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Wow, You Don't Check Anything You Read!

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Posted by Rich on December 16, 2000 16:13:07 UTC

Size of Texas is 267,339 square miles. That becomes 7.453*10^12 square feet. Lets put 6 billion people in this area. That means each person would be aloted 1242.16 square feet. So a family of ten would have 12,421.6 square feet to farm on and graze mammals and birds. Sounds great in theory. But what about storms, flooding, droughts, weather in general. The use of land itself for repeated farming. The land couldn't stand it. It would cease to produce produce when the nitrogen had all be sucked out. And not all the land in an area can be used for farming or grazing, ie forests, rivers, canyons. What about water usage? Where is all this water going to come from? Even if people only used one gallon of water a day, each, for cooking and drinking, that is 6 billion gallons of water. I don't think you realize how much that is. Then you want to double the population? 12 billion gallons of water a day?!?! Are you nuts, and this is conservative. A flow rate of 12000 million gallons a day would be needed to supply such a population. Niagara Falls supplies 120000 million gallons a day and that has the world's largest water shed. Texas wouldn't see anything like that. We are spread out because it couldn't work that way physically. Why don't you get real!

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