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The Law Of Ten

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Posted by Richard Ruquist on December 2, 2000 16:42:07 UTC

I am struck by the synergism of the number ten in almost all religions. I think it implies a deep universal significance. Science would say that it all derives from our having ten fingers. But I would say that the fact that we have ten fingers comes from something more universal.

Being motivated to read the Lotus Sutra by the ongoing debate of a few of us on this forum, I was hit by the statment therein that the Buddhas come from the TEN directions.

In our human condition, we only experience 3 directions, or equivalently the three dimension of space. So the Lotus Sutra is telling us that there really are TEN dimensions of space. That is completely consistent with Superstring Theory, which requires 10 dimensions to determine a material universe.

In Superstring theory, it is claimed that 6 of the dimensions compactify, or wrap up on themselves, so that they become invisible to us. That aspect of superstring theory is closer to being a postulate than being derived. The Hebrew book of creation also speaks of ten directions or dimensions, and further states that 6 of them roll up on themselves. For example, it says that a north pointing dimension rolls up east to west, and the other north pointing one rolls up west to east. Do that for each direction and you get 6 dimensions rolling up. Just what is postulated for superstring theory.

So for me, these scriptural correlations are the best evidence that superstring theory is on the right track. I think such correlations are what a god&science forum should be all about. I was quite pleased to read on this forum about Koran correlations with current theories in science like the Big Bang. I previously had no idea

So now I am wondering, if in the Koran or other Islamic works, if there are phenomena associated with the number TEN.

One might comment that Hinduism and Buddhism are more associated with the number 7- the usual number of chakras on the body. I personally find that there are more than seven. I used to think there were 9 on the body and another 7 on the head. But lately my chakras have been migrating downward so that now I have ten on my body. Was my higher self getting my body ready for revelation of the Law of Ten? Is this revelation?Or is this just foolish thinking? Both are good possibilities.

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