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Posted by Mohammad Isa Mirsiam on November 10, 2000 06:42:11 UTC

What in logic prevents one to think?
A) Logic dose not prevent one to think. Only illogic prevents one to reach to the wrong conclusion(s)
B)Logic is a tool of the mind. When working in perfect equilibrium mathematically one is able to use this tool (logic correctly)

that there can't be more independent beings where god resides?

A) think of what you are asking: If the realm (that you may be thinking of) is a dwelling place of The one God that I am inviting others and you to experience it is in inside every living thing including you but that only it is ever lasting as a benefit and a generosity for those who learn to see The God dwelling in them but not limited buy them (Just think of God as though he walks with you every micro second and fraction thereof imaginable to you). Every thought and movement you make is that of God's Choosing and not yours. Even your anger and your Love and your desires are emotions are generated by the same God who allows you to experience such emotions for the benefit that you and everyone else receives all the time which allows you to struggle and understand yourself and those who live around you and far from you as you and I are doing now. You see if we are not agitated by the thoughts that we have (in order to evolve into something or someone better) then we might as well be machines with a function and no emotions and with no real sense of accomplishment(s).

We live to serve ourselves and others and all this we do in the service of God who needs not us to serve him but that we serve in order to know our God. Here it is in a nutshell:
* Read to Learn
* Learn to Lead
* Lead to Serve
* Serve to Succeed

B) There is no such thing as another independent
being other than this God that I am describing
because there is only one realm and no other realm and that is the real of our God and in it we all reside and it in us all (but we only exist as our awareness of our own existence is dependant on the one that exited always). You see, If your reality is what you see and hear and feel then that is all that can be equated logically. A wish or a fantasy or a theory is not mathematically tangible to something that is only a though or a caprice and not a real substantive
element such as you and I and others and other things which we can substantiate in existence. (If and when that other independent god that exists as a theory and/or imagination materializes something or some one or another identical or better that what already exists then you can have [if you can be there and here at the same time] a tangible equation which you can try and explain to others and even then they would have to see what you see in order to believe this equation.

The simplest way I have been able to describe God is that he is the Light of all wisdom which embodies all knowledge and Power and Glory which is made manifest before your eyes and in yourself daily and in what ever you choose to look upon. (IT IS JUST THAT NO ONE CAN SEE THIS GOD AS THE GOD WHO WAS AND IS BEFORE ALL THINGS EXISTED OR EXIST NOW [ALL BY HIM OR ITSELF] [ FOR THAT YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE A GOD YOURSELF AND THAT IS WHY THERE IS NO OTHER GOD BECAUSE THE OTHER GOD HAS NOT MANIFESTED ANY NEW THING FOR US TO SEE THE OTHER GOD WITH] )

this is what i meant by the light (light of wisdom in mind etc.) which can not be seen but it can be understood and even felt by those who understand it/him perfectly.

I sincerely hope that this explanation has brought us one step closer as friends and brothers in blood and in spirit as we all come from THE ONE.

Best Regards


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