you wrote: "Mystic Law" or "G_d's Law" I think we are both talking about the same entity but that the word Mystic makes some think that it is to do with magic or tricks.
Mystic Law itself refers to all Life-Phenomena in the universe.The fundamental law that governs all the workings of the universe.Nicheren wrote: " Life at each moment ecompasses both body and spirit and both self and environment of all sentient beings in every condition of life as well as non-sentient beings- plants ,sky, and earth, on down to the most minute particles of dust. Life at each moment permeates the universe and is revealed in all Phenomena ". The meaning is that the entire cosmos is enompasses in the mind that subsumes very life-moment , and every life-moment expands throughout the cosmos and become the principle of all elements.It is identical with MYSTIC LAW , which is cosmic life and the force behind the cosmic movements as they appear in the space and time continuum.
All the elements of the universe are conatained in eternal cosmic, which is MYSTIC LAW. When the MYSTIC LAW takes concrete action or form, it becomes the Life-time and Life-space of individual lives. Each self in the universe is a part of cosmic life, and it draws the strenght of cosmic life to carry out its function in the physical world.In its depths of the self of each life is identical with the life of the cosmos. Hence the Buddhist phrase, "The cosmos is the self".
All individual selves are fused together in the cosmic self, and the fundamental entity endowing with the energy to become manifest in the ordinary world as individual selves is eternity, which is the MYSTIC LAW. Everything is included in this; everthing proceeds from it; everything returns from it.
The self of universal life spreads out infinitely throughout time and space. This is the Workings of the MYSTIC LAW which is the fundamental essence of the universe at this instant or any instant (THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK OR MEAN AS MAGIC OR TRICKS, THAT IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG!!!)..It is an outspouring of the infinite energy of the Mystic Law itself NOT by came from ANOTHER a single source TO A DEITY OR WHAT U CALL TO A CREATOR OR G_D. LIFE ITSELF IS THE CREATOR AND IT IS THE CREATED AS WELL. The existence of this present instant is the existence of the form of the cosmos at this present INSTANT, and since this instant contains all of the cosmos, it contains eternity. The self(this may what u call soul) of the cosmic life, which underlies the cosmos as it exist at this moment, is fused with the selves with in all our lives. This what i mean before :
Buddhist concept of "Ku" or the truth of non-substantiality which describes as either existence or non-exisrtence, which is one aspect of "the character and essence of all things. Ku help us understand how the universe could remain "Lifeless' for some billion years after its formation, yet still be called Alive: it's life-force was in the condition of Ku, not manifest, but profoundly shaping the design of the space and time universe as it evolved, down to the very Laws that govern it. As soon as condition allowed it to- and it's a sure thing that conditions would- Life emerged from a Latent state to manifest state, and proceeded to evolve into sentient, intelligent beings who could appreciate their roots in universal life and worship it's ESSENCE(This means fusing our lives to the universal life co'z we both have the funadmental core of life-force which is the the same with the life of the universe. The universe is the manifestation of MYSTIC LAW and as well as all other beings including us,HUMANS, ARE ALL MANIFESTATIONS of MYSTIC LAW. WE ARE OURSELVES THE MYSTIC LAW ITSELF). And that ESSSENCE- that subsumes all other laws, that has been driving and shaping reality since time without beginning and will never cease to do so- is " MYSTIC LAW ", the Life essence of the cosmos which is the ultimate principle or the totality of universal existence, immanent or perfectly inherent in all beings in the whole comos. If u would say that all these things GOD made it so. That leaves open the question of where God came from or who designed Him.?????????
Buddhism alone, i firmly believe, provides a very satisfactory explanation. The universe is designed for LIFE because, at its entirety, the universe is LIFE. THIS IS THE ESSENCE AND THE TRUE NATURE OF THE UNIVERSE. Science also suggested that "LIFE" itself is the essence of the whole universe.This is the keyword for us in modern times. Space and time, which define our physical universe are not the framework for life; they are components of life, Expressions of LIFE.In writings of Nicheren ,whom i follow his teachings of Buddhism, once wrote that "LIFE" cannot be destroyed in any way, and has no boundaries, it occupies all space for all time.
When we do not draw on the infinite energy of the cosmos, we run into difficulty, since we are ignoring our identity with the cosmic self. Eternity is implicit in our lives, but we do not make provision for even the coming year. Potentially, our life-space is infinite, but things are now, it does not even extend throuhout our tiny palnet. What we must do is find the way to expand, to live an eternity in a single moment, to increase our life-space and life -time until they fill the universe. We must realize our ONENESS with the MYSTIC LAW.
Hope u understand.........