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Re: Good And Evil?

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Posted by Tön/">Tön on March 18, 1999 13:57:57 UTC

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : Most humans live lives of quiet desparation. For : : : : : : : : : : most people their is nothing beutiful about life it : : : : : : : : : : is simply a struggle to survive. If God exists : : : : : : : : : : He is one mean son of a bitch.

: : : : : : : : : ***If God does exist, he could have been meaner and not allowed happiness, satisfaction, pleasure, so it gave us a little leeway for some reason, but if I could meet it and know for sure, I would definately plead the case that we need "proof" as well as a double measure of the good stuff, and mabey even less of the ungood stuff.

: : : : : : : : ______

: : : : : : : : Pleasure = life, No pleasure =death, Pain = life, no pain = death.

: : : : : : : : When you touch the hot candle it hurts, when you don't it does'nt hurt. What then is pain? What then is pleasure?

: : : : : : : : What proof you seek, you will never find. Even if you find the proof, you will still be hurting.

: : : : : : : : As organisms we react to events in our enviroment with the tools (nerves) that make us feel (pleasure and pain). They are purely physiological. No karma, no divine interventions. Whatever labels we attach to those events (good or bad) are complicated by the belief systems we have created through time. Analyse the construction of those realities and you will return to a purely simple state of the "physical". We are only good as what see and feel (physiological). If certain chemical imbalance and shift occur in my body it will affect preception and eventually our sense (belief) of reality. So good and bad (truth) are metaphysical as opposed to our clouded assumptions of or sensory reactions. We come up with intagible interventions of divinity to mask our arrogance and stupidity.

: : : : : : : : Asking for good is a futile request. This is as good as it gets. Life sucks but the option is no life. There indeed is some good in the pain, the misery, the sorrow, the anger. It is what we all deserve, our birth right. It is what we call living. You could be dead or unborn and not experience it at all.

: : : : : : : : Tön

: : : : : : : ***Well then, if no divine thing exists to change these things, then we must do it ourselves, but how? I know it is possible to increase the good and decrease the bad we experiance. Our system is open to change, it just needs big pushes. I am an intrest group, but a vertually powerless one, influence,money,control, just stating these things has an effect on the future, so I'll say it a thousand times, we have the ability to change this world, the materials, manpower, technology, spirit? What is it that restricts this vision from becoming reality? GREED of those in control of OUR resourses, and who plan ahead to make us dependent upon what they provide us. The president has no more right to his dinner and a warm bed than the starving child refugee in bosnia... Oh, such preety thoughts, what ideals, thats nice... : : : : : : : Who is accountable for allowing war? For the unfairness of the distribution of wealth, and Basic Needs of Earths Citezens, Not me said the U.N., and the Political leaders, and the rich and powerful, and the upper and middle and lower classes in the industrialized countries, that is God's job, and we will let him do it! : : : : : : : Paradoxial is'nt it? : : : : : : ----- : : : : : : Indeed it is. As much s I sounded negatively on the plight of humanities existence, I believe in their polarities and their eternal symbiosis to each other. Saying that, your duty as one polaritiy is to do exactly the counter of your eternal opposite. Be good. Be passionate about your cause and your belief to make humanity a better experience for everyone. Rest assured, someone out there will oppose your handiwork. Your effort will not be in vain. It will eventually come in time to fruition and reap it's goodness. Eventually, time will come for you to be challenged, oppposed, and weakened by your nemesis. But your cause will return again to fight and be victorious in another day. Reapeating over again and again like the night and day. Good luck and enjoy the eternal conflict.

: : : : : : Tön

: : : : : ***Thanks I think :) Do you have a cause which motivates you? : : : : ______

: : : : Allot of things motivate me. The "cause" is what has been implanted in my head during my childhood. All I know is that I have to do the good thing, the right thing. It is my salvation, it is my strength and also my weakness. It all starts at birth, motivation from influence, and shared during a lifetime. But again, if the events and circumstances in my life where different, I could be the complete opposite. Tön

: : : ***Change is definately hard to accomplish, and you must have alot to chose from to get the best option of the bunch, but it is possible to do so, we can grow out of our mold toward an experiance closely related to the fabled "objective mind" although it is only a perception itself, it at least allows one to view differently, sort of like an emulator.

: : ______

: : Then is choosing for the sake of choice, what carnal drive, what blissful convictions, what impetious selfserving interests, motivate us to take action on those choices? Is change then a choice or an accident? Could it be both good and evil?

: : Tön

: : ***I do'nt believe there is a distinction between the two, but in our reality it seems so, and affects the ways in which we percieve and operate. So as far as the human race is concerned, the old philosofers were and are correct in the assesment that as far as we can be held accountable (to ourselves) is to maximize the happiness of the world and minimize the misery. : Of course this is in direct opposition to the natural laws of self-intrest (balance) which does allow alot of secondary affects to seem as if reciprocity is a natural primary effect, when it is only due to circumstance that any two entities help eachother. They have adapted to suit eachothers needs, but when the opportunity presents itself for one to overcome another and better its survival ability, it will be automatic. : This is where the human factor of abstact intelligence differs, we have the possiblity to devieate from this natural automatic process, and have more control over the outcomes, this is why we have such a detailed understanding of good and bad, it is needed to allow for the deviations, but can also be used to multiply the natural system to our advantage. These new tools have also created checks and balances so that we cannot totally apply these abstract operations and destroy everything, not immediately at least. Society and institutions were created out of these adaptations along with thier laws to allow some restrictions on the individual actions toward self-intrests. Of course it is much more complicated than this, but I think that as we evolve and begin to see that we are the closest thing there is to something like god, we will begin to develop a respect for life and see ourselves as its keepers much like the story of the garden of eden portrays, if we do not destroy ourselves first, which is a very real possibility. Only then will we be able to spread life in other places where there is fertile ground in need of seeds, which is ultimately to see that life itself should be cultivated in the universe, raising the chances of its survival, and our own. : If the big bang is correct, and that this portion of the matter in the universe will eventually contract, then by expanding life is a precurser to getting to the edge or boundery of the matter or space so that we can figure out how to jump over this border and survive, taking as much life forms as we possibly can, Noah's Ark sort of? : This would give us some extra time to expand even further and survive almost indefinately, dare I say forever as a species of planters and cultivators of life, the gods of life if you will.


Well said. Indeed, our need to multiply will definetly contribute in life in the universe.


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