To Bladesinger:
First, thank you for requesting further explanation. I appreciate your attention and honesty.
Sencond, here are some proliferations on the excerpts you cited:
"step outside the Human Mindframe"
what i meant by the Human Mindframe (in a general sense of typicality) is that humans intrinsically have a tendency to relate perceptions only to themselves (ie anthropocentrism) I feel that the only way one can begin to fully and completely analyze "existence",(all that IS) is by becoming an outsider, or in a sense to become one who is separate from or looking in on existence as a whole. The Human Mindframe is that which we all have though in the same way it is not impossible to overcome. Also the Human Mindframe is that which society, (ie other humans) and other societal occurences manifests within its individual members. Everyone relates things to other people, and to material tangibilities. Stepping outside of this Human Mindframe will give a person more objectivity in his/her critical thinking.
"Humans must be just another complicated anti-existence, which, in truth, is fueling the higher order of existence itself."
When considering existence, one of the fundamental properties is that of opposites.
Anything and everything are simply defined by that which reflects either by means of true opposition. For example, if there were no woman, then men could not exist. If there was no white (the fusion of all the colors of the spectrum) there would be no black ( complete lack of color).
If there was not that that is not, there would not be that that is to begin with.
So in saying that humans are just another complicated anti existence, i mean that the human race, being the devasting plague to the earth that it is, must be a necessary condition for the destructuion regeneration process by which life occurs every day. For example, in the spring dandelions bloom veraciously, live their way through the summer, and then, in the fall, proceed to become seed-flowers that fall off and spread everywhere in order to create to create more dandelions next spring. (Writer's Note: Do not let the use of these examples contradict my former argument as to the materialistic nature of human contemplation. I only use these to get my point across to you specifically. Still nature is harmonious purity and can always be used as an example for philosophical notions) So therefore, an explanation for for human existence could be that we are here only to facilitate a destruction of the earth so severe that it ultimately provides for the next regeneration.
"God is the perfect paradox." god is everything. Everything is the definition of God."
Here I should have said that the universe is a perfectly harmonious balance, bound by the laws of physics, and that this perfect balance is, in itself, the creator and the creation, hence "God". The reason i put god in quotes is only to make sure that you don't think i'm referring to god in any sort of religious/belief structured/guy in the clouds with his throne and his angels kind of way. I feel that has been the gravest and most debilatating error of mankind.
"a higher mortal plane of consciousness"
yes we are all humans, restricted by physicalities and laws, but the human being has far more intellectual potential than many ignorant people realize. Achieving this higher mortal plane of consciousness, though a human is never more than mortal, finite, would be stepping outside of the Human Mindframe. (see above)
I hope all of this helps to clear any confusion you may have had. I did my best in fully explaining my points of perspective. If you have ANY more comments/questions/arguments/problems feel free to post 'em up. I would greatly appreciate your insight. Thanks.
BDogg |