We`ll i`m not imagining. I had wake-up and i`m not daydreamer. Ever since time of shakyamuni, the founder of buddhism that was 3,000 years ago, has explained the nature of life from the standpoint that life itself is latent in nature.In other words, inanimate matter carries the potentiality of manifesting life and this potentiality only requires the fulfillment of certain condition to become actuality.AS Nicheren Daishonin(1222-1282), a buddhist sage from japan whom i follow his buddhism, once said "When the time is right and the condition is perfect life will exist ".
We living beings are all the manifestation of this woderful law,we call Mystic Law- the life essence of the comos.Modern science too is now suggesting that life is the essence of the whole universe. Shakyamuni has answered the question about the four sufferings of life- birth, old age, sickness and death. And death is part of the nature of life.All living things in the whole universe udergoes this stages of life in the cycle of birth and death. Even to our bodies, in our skin. Over millions of our cells dies everyday and over millions of cells to replace them.
Death can be compared as sleep -is a source of energy for daily living, so death might be described as kind of rest period for the process of the birth of new life.In other words, buddhism is not a teaching designed to prepare men for death.It instead an affirmation, an exaltation, of life.
Nicheren Daishonin has described the nature of life as being and non-being, birth and death, disappearance and appearance, existence and extinction. All of these are essential and everlasting process. Non-being, death, disappearnce, and extinction represent noumenal; being, birth, appearance, and existence represent manifestation in the phenomenal.THe essential truth lies between the two. Life-in-birth is appearace in this world; life-in-death is disappearace from this world and return to the essential life..
Since, we are exist in this beautful world-Earth, who gave life to all living organism, Humanity must strive for the happiness of ones life and others for maintaining the beautiful nature of our mother world since all living things both sentient and insentient beings has life and we are interralated and interconnected with each other. Man is part of nature and so with other living organism.When we destruct our nature we are also destructing our humanity and we are voilating the essence of human rights and respecting the dignity of each life.Since buddhism teaching us that our life and the environment are one and inseparable. This is the key to essential happiness to all of us. |