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RE: RE: Genesis Implies Evolution?

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Posted by Michael Wright on September 29, 2000 03:07:55 UTC

Nobody responded to your post about black holes because what you described is not a black hole. you described a big disk, much like Mr. Burns` sun-blocker in that one season finale of the Simpsons. The scientific evidence we have collected on black holes all but proves that they are not disks that merely block out light from stars... Their gravity bends the light of stars, their accretion disks have been detected (for supermassive bh`s at least), and the x-rays the matter emits while approaching the event horizon has been detected. A big disk (or spehere, or whatever) just blocking light would not produce those, unless it is a black hole (which are usually spherical btw in 3d terms). Granted, if you looked at the event horizon of a black hole, it would block out the light from directly behind it... But the accretion disk would most likely be very bright.

And the ancient astronomers you speak of I`m assuming are the heliocentric astronomers who thought of sun as the center of the universe or some other astronomers... As time goes by, our technology and collective knowledge of the universe increases. Many indoctrinated or entrenched establishments fight change - they don`t want to risk losing their influence. Take the Church for example... Those scientists DID have proof - they just were attacked by the establishments such as the Church or entrenched intelligencia so their ideas were suppressed. So show me your evidence of that theory, and I will not scoff at it, I, and I`m sure everybody else here, will objectively look at your evidence and take it for what it is.

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