"Athiesm/rationalism is an intellectually bankrupt proposition" is a completely false satement. I hope what you meant to say is Athiesm/rationalism is a spiritually bankrupt proposition. Some of the most intellectual people of our time are athiests. Rational thinking is based on the MOST rational concept. Not on an irrational concept as you stated. As far as you biblical quote, it is very nice but it came from a work of fiction. The bible is not a history book. You say "rationalism is limited by the human intellect". This is very trew and human intellect is the highest form of intelligence in the universe that we are currently aware of.The only intellectually viable explanation for the existence of the universe is NOT a transcendant Creator. As far as we know there may have never been a begining and thus no creation. You also said "You may note that this concept of the God of the Bible was in place long before the advent Einstein`s relativistic physics. Is this owed to coincidence?" Yes. The flat-earth idea was in place befrore Einstien too. So was a geo-central universe, so were the greek gods, so were sun god religions, so was judiesm. So what. Just because it came before Einstien doesn`t make it right. In-fact it makes it more likely to be wrong, just like many others ideas that were killed by a poor patent clerk. |