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Posted by Richard Ruquist on July 8, 2000 12:17:32 UTC

To coin a new word, since this discussion on the locations of the chakras I`ve found was requested by Neo (thank you) and it includes the chakras of Hinduism, and Judiaism for that matter.

I thought that I would first indicate locations and later indicate the names of god or mantras associated with each location. Thiking over how to present the material, it seems that an historical or auto bio approach is the best way.

I should say again that these chakras were not revealed to me. They came from reading literature from eastern religions and the Kabbala plus the probings of my own fingers. By probings I mean that if I place my finger tips over the location of a chakra on my body, and try to meditate on it, or visualize breathing through the fingers, eventually they pulsate in sync with the pulse of my heart. So in the end my approach is empirical and can be duplicated by anyone with the time and interest. So if there is interest out there, the results will be essentially clinical experiments on the locations of chakras. And like in the medical field, clinical data is most significant- a basis for the science of medicine. Likewise. it can be a basis for the scientific investigation of chakras.

So I am the first born of a French Canadian Catholic mother and a Swedish agnostic father in the stae of Connecuticut, USA. Baptized in the Congregational Church, comfirmed in the Espicopal Church. Remained Anglican thruogh college where an Anglican priest suggested that I was really an atheiest. Took him literally and became one as a matter of faith through grad school in physics at Harvard, and through a first marriage in which I attended Catholic Mass every week with my wife but did not change my faith.

In my second marriage to a Jewish lady who had strayed to Quackerism, I began to attend high holiday services at Harvard, and recognized how much I missed the ritual of religion. At about that time I developed sciatica from running marathons and finally got a cure by changing my diet based on Zen Macrobiotics. The relief from pain, and the renewed pain if I ate the wrong foods was so remarkable, that I began readings in the religious basis of Zen Macrobiotics- then Taoism, and Buddhism, New Age literature, etc. I particularly liked Theosophy because it presented the mechanics of the afterlife and the supernatural. Being a physicist, that made acceptance of the possibility of a supernatural much easier. I also came to relize that my belief in the existence of such things as protons, neutrons and electrons, nor to even mention the more exotic particles like quarks, was really a matter of faith. So science requires faith and belief just as religion does. And it`s confined by dogma in the same way. But brillant people can break through the dogma(eg, Einstein) using the methods of science.

So at that time I encountered books, and people who experienced, astral projection. Also called Out-of-body experience, or Remote Sensing in scientific circles, if it is real then most surely a supernatural world exists. Seems to be. I`ve never done it myself- seems to be an unhealthy thing to do. But experiments on it have been reported in the Proceedings of the IEEE- performed at the Stanford Research Institute by Mitchell, famed for walking on the moon.

Such digressions. I`m out of time now. Have to go to Marblehead, Mass to drum in a Colonial Muster, the passion of my life.

To be continued- provided there are no strong objections.


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