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RE: The Many Universes Are Individual Humans

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Posted by Dr. Yanniru on June 30, 2000 11:13:25 UTC

From your previous contributions to this forum, I gather that today marks your last appearance here. I think we will all be sad to see you go and we hope that you might reconsider for you have adding a spirit to this forum that was lacking.

I personally hate to see you leave as we appear to share the endeavour to make a synthesis of science and religion. By the way I noticed that when you originally presented your theories under the name of Dale Lake, you did not get the response that you have received more recently under the name of Mr. Lake. So I thought I would try the same approach for this contribution.

I want to present a brief synopsis of my approach to the synthesis. But first I want to say that what you and I are doing is called "numerology" by scientists. That is we use mathematical coincidence to postulate physical and metaphysical reality. We do not derive theory from first principles like the string theorists are trying to do now. Often they lapse into numerology as well when they postulate models of the universe. Smolin`s black hole model is an example.

So we are in good company. And it`s a method used by most religions, especially in the Kabala literature. And often, like the book of creation and the Koran, modern physics theories are predicted, again usually by the coincidence of mathematical form.

My synthesis is that the universe contains 26 dimensions. When the universe was created, 10 of these dimensions, in accordance with string theory, split off to make particles called fermions. The remaining 16 dimensions compactified, but retained a 16/26 proportion of the energy of the unified field. That is why the cosmological constant equals 16/26.

These 16 dimensions are the first approximation of god. The zero order approximation is that god is everything, but that is not very descriptive. Since humans were created in the image of god, we expect the number 16 to be reflected in the human form. You, Mr. Lake have indicated the importance of the number 16 in your harmonic analysis.

My take is that each of our human bodies actually has 16 chakras. The Hindus and Buddhists talk of 6 or 7 chrakas, depending on who you talk to. The Kabalists talk of 10. But I find 16 on my body.

My approach is empirical. If you place your fingers over the spot where you expect a chakra to be and meditate, your fingers will eventually tingle with pulsations in resonance with the pulse of your heart. Using your fingers over a sequence of chakras while meditating is the spiritual practice in certain new age religions.

So I mentioned to you that I had 16 names of god based on the syllable "ha". I associate each name with one of the 16 chakras. I derived these names from the names of god in various religions and found a symmetry that allowed me to fill in the gaps.

The cornerstone of this approach is the mantra given at the end of the Bagavatam, which is said to grant salvation even if said inadvertently.
"ha ra ye na ma ha"
To this data, I added the well known names of god that share some of these sounds.
"ya ve" ; "ha re" ; ye ho va"
In addition from Buddhism there is a very powerful cleansing meditation- a series of mantras recited one for each of their 7 chakras:
1. "om aim na ma ha"
2. "om vam na ma ha"
3. "om ram na ma ha"
4. "om yam na ma ha"
5. "om ham na ma ha"
6. "om na ma ha"
I forget the 7th, which is the top of the head chakra. A very spiritual Indian friend of mine explained that the sounds of the mother god are:
va ra ya.

If you are interested I`ll tell you the names that I derived from this data.

By the way, the 10 dimensions that split off in string theory to make fermions, do so by compactifying 6 of the dimensions, as predicted by the book of creation, leaving 4 space-time dimensions to expand forever, as predicted in the Koran.

Another interesting coincidence is that the empirical finger approach tells me that there are 3 sequences of 16 chakras on the front of my body- one in the middle and one on either side.

I presume that there are another 6 on my back. So the other six compactified dimensions may also be reflected in the human form. In eastern thought as you know, the totality of the chakras is considered to be the human soul. So I meditate with these mantras that contain the names of god in the hope of strengthening my soul. Following the first commandment I do so while walking as well as when resting, in the morning and in the evening. But I have not yet tried teaching it to my 5 children.

That`s the essence of my synthesis.


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