Oh man.
Heh, well I guess this is an interesting thing to leave on the net. The unfortunate thing is I can't edit it to be a bit more calmly stated, but still after all these years I find that I agree with my younger self.
Its interesting reading ones own words from nearly ten years ago. Yet, I wonder how much have I really changed, how much more mature I really am. I guess in asking this question I have come a long way. Well if anyone of the people on this board that read this years ago I'd like to say I'm sorry. Not for my message, but for the way I stated the message. I'm still a creationist, but with a lot more wisdom behind why then before.
Simply put, Biblically this post of mine is correct. God is truth and God is the Word. To find something wrong with the Bible is to put true question to its authenticity. With that said I think I'm a bit more calm about the manner. Maybe its from year of additional experience about such things online and that trolls are simply that.
Yet with that said I do think that one can find kernels of truth in more than just the Bible. In that way I have matured. The golden rule can be found in other religions, but its true meaning is found in the Bible. It will be interesting to see how this comes up in the future, but I do stand by my younger self.
Maybe in another 10 or so years I can come back to this and see how much else I've changed. |