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Time And Counted Time

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Posted by Alan on January 28, 2006 04:03:26 UTC

good 2 cents...

consider making a distinction however between "time" and "counted time".

What is time? The sun rose at the SAME TIME as the full moon set; but WHEN was that? The sun rose at the same time as the full moon set; which was when I looked out the door. But WHEN did I lok out the door?

Isn't this starting to look a bit circular?

How about:

time = limits;

for example a pendulum swing is alleged to retrace the SAME TRACK each time: it appears to have a defined LIMIT.

It is, when you observe it; the flip side of "I'm staying RELATIVITY" as the edges of the swing are staying RELATIVE to each other AND relative to you the observer IF you use the classical definition of time via a pendulum.

At a train station: was that your train going forwards or the next-door train going backwards?

You need a MUTUALLY FIXED reference frame (e.g. the tracks or the railway station) to know the difference in this game of musical chairs (i.e. game of swapping perspectives) / join the dots (conserving one perspective only).

Loop quantum gravity = a join the dots (string) perspective on musical chairs; i.e. its about swapping content within fixed exchanges; i.e. its about forming and mutual boundary alterations in a field of sets (i.e. in a meeting field); its about imaginary lines (number lines).

String theory is a musical chairs perspective on join the dots; i.e. its about maintaining constancy in error margins; i.e. its about allowable variations on a conserved perspective; its about conserving content while altering the parameters; its about imaginary sets (number sets).

If at a train station you only suppose you have a third train WHICH (the White witch in "The Lion , the witch, and the wardrope" may fit this information pattern?) COULD also be going forawards or backwards RELATIVE to your train OR the second train: you have "an uncertainty principle" called "I'm staying relativity" as in "my staying put; my role as an observer; my being FIXED; my being "a bob each way", my imaginary categorical perspective; me in role of 50-50; my wave equation" is dependent on differentiating and integrating the relative movements of the other two trains (i.e. on parallax).

Einstein relativity = imagining no fixed background. Categorise (mathematicalise) this and you get 2 x imaginary fixed background = something seems mechanical about this meeting = a mechanical meeting as far as it looks (quantum mechanics as far as we can tell).

Mathematicalise quantum mechanics and you get a strange new perspective on Einstein relativity (I.e. the wardrope in "The Lion, the witch, and the wardrope").

Try to mathematicalise BOTH E.R. and Q.M. at the same time and you get:


Time = limits

Number = anywhere within limits (e.g. a number of oranges is anywhere within the limits of defining the category "orange" (?)

numbered time = anywhere within limits limit =

somewhere very specific

i.e. it is you who are counting?

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