Simplifying the subject:
"intelligent design":
what does "intelligent" mean?
It seems that "intelligent" implies an ability to solve a puzzle, to navigate past obstacles, to find a path.
Example: how solve the problem "two cyclists to ride one bike"?
Intelligence: make two seats.
what does "design" mean?
It seems that "design" means "fitting things togther more easily, so that obstacles to their co-operation are minimised". Example: a "bicycle designed for two" provides seats for two cyclists; so removes the obstacle of having only one seat. The pattern "bicycle" and the pattern "cyclist" are specially fitted together when you vary "cyclist" to be "two cyclists" you vary "bike seat" to be "two bike seats".
Intelligence: navigating past obstacles. Intelligence implies an obstacle to be passed.
Design: variation on a theme. Design implies an obstacle has been passed.
Intelligent design:
an obstacle to be/ has been; passed?
An optional barrier.
An umbrella designed to flex with wind gusts; its primary purpose was to keeep rain off; is it intelligent design to counter the wind-barrier?
Seems to be.
But if it was SUPPOSED to resist collapsing in wind we would just say it was "designed" for that.
A specially harmonious relationship between the umbrella and the environment is a case of intelligent design. The umbrella seems to "know the language" of its surroundings. It's adaptable.
It is flexible; partly like its environment, more at one with its environment. The umbrella moves at least partly as the environment moves.
Only a space for the umbrella to interact with the environment more than one way, brings the comment: "intelligent design"?
CATEGORISE this and you get:
since "categorising" bundles things together; you get a second environment (the category) so you get a blurring of "this way; that way" so a frozen zone Categorised intelligent design = LOGIC?
LOGIC: option "a"; option "b"; destination "c", with "a" or "b"? Whichever of "a" or "b" least impedes "c" is the logical option to go to "c" via "a" or "b", all other things being equal?
Be logical about "intelligent design"? Gives logical about what becomes logic that can turn on and off?
On:off logic? FREE association.
What is DNA?
I found that it fits the idea "Do Not Agree" as in "conserved differences".
So DNA = information content.
No wonder scientists find "the information content of DNA is "blurrry" !?
If "biology" = "by logic way" ; and "logic" = "physics" = "fizz ics!" = pathy = about paths = WAY; then biology = by way way = 2-d way = bending.
"intelligent design": an unexpected fitting of a pattern? Adaptability to differing circumstances. Flexibility......?
A life form can exchange information with its environment and maintain a balance?
Biology = intelligent design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life form = an example of intelligent design so CANNOT have both concepts without "survival of the FIT test" as in "conserrvation law" or survival of the test as to whether things fit together or not i.e. survival of the ability of something to continue to relate to its environment and try different ways to fit with its environment (..?)
Try to be logical about this (categorise species and try to fit them together to see how they interelate) and you are duplicating what nature has already done....
so you need a "decimal point"; an "origin of specialties"?
Try to "prove your point" and you generate a seemingly invisible medium; a virtual mathematics....
WOW Yanniru!