May I comment...
"Quantum" implies "quantisation" implies "quantity" implies "more than one" implies "a meeting of things".
"Mechanics" implies "mechanical" implies "fixed structures that can move".
"Quantum mechanics" suggests "mechanics of meeting" = "the fixed structures that can move; meeting".
This implies e.g. two fixed structures that can move (so share a common background but have/ are meeting on-going) that MEET (so have at least two backgrounds and can go from one to the other).
In other words; the mechanics of meeting is all about LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION :
the structures are FIXED (so have a common background re: each other); they can move (so have a common multiple background) and they can meet (so have a mutual information exchange capability).
Categorise the original background: Shrodinger's cat egory (observer takes role of running alongside the items and can only see their mutual difference in movement OR their meeting OR partial of these aspects).
Categorise the common multiple background:
Hawking Black Hole (observer is everywhere but nowhere in particular: so can only see the original background as a black hole (a fixture of some sort) OR as Hawking radiation (factorisation)(containers).
So navigation i.e. intelligence.
"Categorise" mutual information exchange? Cannot so need M-theory (imaginary mathematics) so virtual quantum mechanics.
So a proposal i.e design?
Physics = logic
Quantum electrodynamics = simple logic
Quantum chromodynamics = fuzzy logic
Chemistry = accomodations
Mathematics = categories
Biology = by logic way = by physics way = 2-d physics = QCD ?